Chapter 801

Miss Sha's thoughts were very erratic, but she had a strong sense of family unity.

Since she had entered this family, this family's business was her business. She would help Luo Xichen to manage Rong Xi well.

When she returned to the office, Sha Zhixing did not go in. She took out her phone and looked at the time. It was already lunchtime, so she went to Luo Xichen's office.

When she went in, Luo Xichen was sitting on the sofa playing with his laptop. His fingers were brushing against each other. She did not know what he was playing with.

Sha Zhixing walked up to him and sat down next to him. She leaned her head in his direction and asked, "what are you looking at? "

It was a very clear game, and the background music was very nice and clear. However, why did the scene inside look so strange?

When Sha Zhixing was watching, the plot was a little boy running between a large group of people, knocking a large group of people to the ground with his short body and clever tricks.

Then, a little girl ran out of the screen. The two looked similar in the cartoon. She dragged a doll and kicked a group of people. Then, she stood with the little boy with her head slightly tilted up She had a sweet smile and an angelic face. However, her behavior... ...

There was a line of letters at the bottom of the screen. "The younger generation is stronger than the younger generation. ".

Sha Zhixing stared at the screen for a long time. The corner of her lips twitched. Then, she said seriously, "where is the younger generation? Did they die on the beach? "

Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said, "go back and play with your beancurd. "

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him. "I never play with that. "

Luo Xichen,"..."

Sha Zhixing glanced at the screen in his hand and asked curiously, "what's this? "

"Can't you tell? " Luo Xichen asked instead of answering.

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

He played with so many things. How would she know what this was?

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on the laptop screen. He stared at it for a few seconds and suddenly said, "If you have children in the future, the Luo family will teach you like this. "

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at the screen with a mocking expression on her face. "The Luo family will teach you? You have raised your children to be wise enough to fight against all of them since they were young, and you have to make up for it by making them suffer? "

"Why not? " Luo Xichen turned his head with a look of disdain on his face.

Sha Zhixing really wanted to reply back to him with the words, "how can you think of such a thing? ".

However, when she thought about it carefully, it seemed pretty good.

If she gave birth to a son and grew up so smart, how smug would she be?

Sha Zhixing thought about it and her red lips curved slightly.

"Let's go, it's time for lunch! " Sha Zhixing pulled him up and led him upstairs to the restaurant happily.

There was a Western restaurant upstairs in Rong Xi's building. Usually, they did not come here to eat. Every time they appeared together with Luo Xichen, they would attract a lot of attention. She was uncomfortable with too much attention.

However, it was not convenient for Sha Zhixing to have her leg injured, so she did not pay too much attention to it.

When the two arrived, there were not many people upstairs, which made Sha Zhixing feel lucky.

She wanted to choose a seat by the balcony, but not far away, two figures suddenly bumped into her.

On a table a few meters away from her, Luo Rongci and a woman were sitting opposite each other. She couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but from her back, she was very sure that it was he simu.

Why were these two sitting at the same table?