Chapter 802 scheming

Sha Zhixing was a little confused. She couldn't help but stare at the two of them.

He Simu saw Luo Rongci when she came up for dinner. Although Luo Rongci had been back in the country for more than a year and the two of them were in Rongxi together, he simu actually didn't have much contact with him.

Luo Rongci gave everyone the impression that he was cold and aloof. He was aloof and Aloof, with a sense of detachment from worldly affairs. It was very difficult for people to get close to him.

However, when he first saw her, Luo Rongci gestured for her to sit down at his table.

He simu was a little surprised. She could not figure out the purpose of his action.

Or did he see something during the meeting this morning?

He simu's heart suddenly tightened.

Luo rongci carelessly stirred the spoon in his hand and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, he glanced at Sha Zhixing from the corner of his eye.

The figure that suddenly appeared in front of him stunned him. He stopped what he was doing.

He turned his head slowly and smiled. He pointed to the seat beside him and said, "do you want to come over? "

Sha Zhixing looked at Luo Xichen, who was heading to the bathroom, and shook her head. "No, I won't bother you anymore! "

"It's okay. It's just some work stuff. " Luo RONGCI's voice was indifferent.

"It's okay. You can continue! " Sha Zhixing smiled and called the waiter to order.

Luo Xichen came back a minute or two later. He did not pay much attention when he saw the two people not far away.

Luo RONGCI was in charge of the internal affairs of the company and had contact with various departments. It was not strange for him to be with any higher-ups.

He greeted the two of them and sat down beside Sha Zhixing.

He simu glanced at the two of them from the corner of her eyes. She could not help but snort when she thought of what Sha Zhixing had said in the elevator this morning.

Wasn't mother Luo so good that she brought lunch over Why did she still come here to eat?

Luo Rongci watched her reaction calmly and the corners of his lips curled up.

Sha Zhixing's words this morning were actually the truth. Everyone in the Luo family had witnessed how good Wen lan was to her.

However, when she dragged Luo Xichen upstairs, she had forgotten that someone was delivering food to her... ...

The two of them ordered some western food. Halfway through their meal, the Butler of the Luo family suddenly went upstairs.

He carried two very beautiful lunch boxes and came up to them as soon as he went upstairs.

"Young Madam, Madam prepared these for you. I didn't see you downstairs, so I came up here. "

Sha Zhixing was stunned. She looked at the lunch tray that was about to be destroyed by her and turned to Luo Xichen.

"PUT IT IN MY OFFICE! " Luo Xichen said lightly. He turned his head and continued eating.

After that, the Butler nodded and went downstairs with the lunch box.

He SIMU's face turned a little cold after that. She stopped eating with the cutlery in her hand. She suddenly lost her appetite.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen left the table after a simple meal.

They bumped into he simu when they went downstairs.

Sha Zhixing was walking in front. Her leg injury had not healed, and her gait was still a little strange.

He simu looked at her quietly. Thinking about everything that had happened today, her gaze turned cold. Her gaze slowly moved from Sha Zhixing's leg to the stairs under her feet... ...