Chapter 809 Glory World Wedding 4

As Luo Xichen's long-time friend and a close friend of Sha Zhixing, Shi Qinuo had to attend today's event.

He arrived just in time for the red carpet ceremony to begin.

As soon as he stepped into the Luo family's door, the sound of the wedding march rang out.

Shi Qinuo's footsteps froze. He turned his head slowly and his gaze fell quietly in the direction of the red carpet.

There were many people present, but the two ends of the red carpet were empty. One could see the path of white roses and the figure of Sha Zhixing at the entrance of the hall.

The path of the roses was very sparse, and did not completely block the sight of the guests. From Shi Qinuo's angle, one could see her profile.

The white victory snow wedding dress, the ethereal temperament, the beauty was lively and otherworldly.

Shi Qinuo walked towards the red carpet step by step, and his footsteps were particularly slow with each step.

He was actually late today on purpose. His thoughts were a little messy, and he had not sorted out what kind of mood he should be in to face such an occasion.

On the red carpet, Sha Zhixing held Sha Nanfeng's hand and continued to walk slowly in the direction of Luo Xichen. A few pairs of golden couple followed behind her, their long veils swaying in a light arc as they walked, and the petals scattered on the ground wherever they passed.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, a rare gentleness appearing on his cold face. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and a smile spread across his lips. It was like a gentle breeze, like a drizzle, dripping into one's heart.

From this moment on, the whole world knew that she was his wife!

All the wedding ceremonies today were very formal. There were too many guests present, and the two of them were the focus of everyone's attention. Their moods were naturally different from those in Northern Ireland back then.

If Sha Zhixing had not fully integrated herself into the Luo family before and had not fully adapted to the fact that she was married to Luo Xichen, then today had completely let her see the truth.

Shi Qinuo walked into the wedding venue quietly and went to the guest seats. He picked a seat at the front and sat down quietly. His gaze fell on Sha Zhixing's face again on the red carpet.

Sha Zhixing was exceptionally beautiful today. Her beauty had nothing to do with her appearance or makeup. It was just that she had the charm of a bride on her. Her smile was so bright that it seemed as if it could melt people.

Shi Qinuo closed his eyes slightly and fixed his gaze on the necklace around her neck.

It was the heirloom of the Luo family. As a jewelry designer, he naturally knew about it. The "Goddess of the sea" that had shaken the jewelry industry was worth hundreds of millions!

The rest of the people were also stunned by Sha Zhixing and the necklace after she appeared.

Although not everyone could estimate the value of the necklace named after the goddess of the sea, from the exquisite and luxurious craftsmanship of the necklace, one could imagine how valuable it was.

He simu sat in the guest seat and stared at the necklace quietly for a long time. Her eyes were filled with Frost.

She had never seen this necklace with her own eyes, but to those in this industry, the goddess of Ocean represented a legend and the dream of countless women. Her fame was no less than the heart of the ocean, one of the world's most famous diamonds.

Combined with the information she had gathered, she could confirm that this was the goddess of Ocean from the moment she saw Sha Zhixing.

It represented the identity of the Luo family's mistress!

He simu looked at it quietly. Her drooping hands dug into her flesh... ...