Chapter 810: Let's skip the wedding

No one noticed her. Today, everyone's attention was attracted by the couple on the red carpet.

Although she was already quite famous in the design industry, for other industries, this was actually Sha Zhixing's first time meeting everyone. Her face was relatively new to many people.

Such a face was very attractive. Many guests were guessing the story behind her back, and even the charm of marrying into the Luo family.

The Garden of the Luo family was very large, and the red carpet was a little long. The ceremony alone took several minutes.

Everywhere Sha Zhixing passed, there were seven-colored rose petals scattered all over the ground.

When they came to the other end of the red carpet, Sha Nanfeng quietly handed her to Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen's hand held her hand, and with a slight pull, Sha Zhixing leaned forward and leaned into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly for a while. Luo Xichen slowly turned around and faced the priest in front of the altar with her.

Then came the oath-taking segment.

There was nothing new in this segment. The oath was the same for every bride and groom.

After the oath-taking segment, it was the ring-wearing and kissing segment.

Luo Xichen's thin lips curved slightly. One of his arms was wrapped around Sha Zhixing's waist and the other was pressing on the back of her head. He leaned over, grabbed her lips with his thin lips, and planted a deep kiss on her lips.

A few pairs of golden boy and girl looked at the two of them quietly with their big, clear eyes. Their eyes were curved into a crescent-shaped smile, and the seven-colored rose petals in their hands were scattered very vigorously towards the two of them.

Everyone in the guests'seats also looked at the two of them with smiles on their lips.

Wen Lan had witnessed the journey of the two of them with her own eyes. She was touched. She exchanged a look with Luo Enqi, and both of them felt a little relieved.

The old man was also very happy. The Luo family's first granddaughter-in-law might be able to hold a great-grandson soon.

Luo rongci watched the scene quietly from the beginning to the end, his eyes a little obscure.

It was lunchtime after the wedding ceremony.

Luo Xichen held Sha Zhixing's hand as they walked among the crowd of guests, whispering in her ear as they walked. "Zhixing, mom and dad are here today, and there are so many people helping out at home. It doesn't seem like we're needed anymore. Why don't we... "

What he wanted to do was to coax her to leave the scene with him at this time. However, before he could finish his sentence, Sha Zhixing cut him off.

"If we leave, it'll be chaotic here. " Sha Zhixing did not even have to think before she knew what he was going to say, so she rejected him directly.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and continued to lead her through the crowd.

Sha Zhixing was actually quite hungry after being tortured for half a day. She had woken up early to put on makeup and try on her looks. At 11 o'clock, she was still hungry and had been chased around C city by the people from the dead of night Sha Zhixing walked feebly.

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at her. He could guess her current situation. He led her to the buffet area and got two plates of food for her. He wanted to take her to the bridal lounge to finish her lunch, but they had only taken a few steps Wen Lan suddenly stopped him. "Xichen, come and meet Uncle Cheng! "

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were startled by the sudden voice. They looked at each other. Luo Xichen put the plate in her hand and looked in the direction of the lounge. "Finish your lunch first. Leave this to me! "