Chapter 811: Strange enchantment

Wen Lan Wanted Sha Zhixing to get to know more people for today's wedding. This would be beneficial to her in all aspects, and it would be convenient for her to do something in the future.

However, Luo Xichen did not want her to go through all this on an empty stomach. After giving her some advice, he went to take care of it himself.

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to be so considerate. She was so happy that she carried two plates of food to the lounge.

In a certain direction, a person was chasing after her and his eyes darkened... ...

There were a lot of servants in the Luo family, but there were also a lot of guests today. Almost all the servants had been sent to the garden to entertain the guests.

The huge villa was very quiet. It seemed that Sha Zhixing was the only one there.

Sha Zhixing carried two plates of food that Luo Xichen had brought for her through the hall downstairs. She went upstairs and pushed open the door of the bridal lounge.

She did not eat immediately. Instead, she changed into a more comfortable gown. It was milky white in color and made of high-quality Silk Fabric. Her beautiful figure could be seen at a glance.

Sha Zhixing changed her clothes and went to the window to take a look at the lively scene downstairs. She saw Luo Xichen, who was busy socializing, and smiled. She sat in front of the makeup mirror and prepared to eat with a fork.

She picked up a small piece of beef and was about to put it into her mouth. Suddenly, she heard footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

The footsteps were a little slow, and the frequency was not familiar to her.

Sha Zhixing did not see anyone on her way upstairs. The entire floor was very quiet. She was stunned when she heard the sound of footsteps.

The footsteps in the corridor continued to get closer and closer until they disappeared outside the door.

Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the cutlery froze. Her head slowly looked in the direction of the lounge door.

Her first reaction was that the maid had come up with something. However, she thought that the maids of the Luo family would not randomly appear on the floor where the master was resting, so she dispelled this speculation.

This floor was the floor where she and Luo Xichen's master bedroom was.

Sha Zhixing's second reaction was that a certain guest had trespassed or that a friend from the dead of night had come to tease her.

However, the wedding ceremony had just ended and it was lunchtime. Who would have the time to come here and talk nonsense?

Just as she was wondering, someone outside the door suddenly spoke up.

"Young Madam, second young master was worried that the food you served was not enough, so he asked me to send some more over. " The deep male voice was still unfamiliar.

However, Sha Zhixing relaxed a little when she heard Luo Xichen's name.

It was very likely that he was worried that she did not have enough lunch since he had just separated from Luo Xichen.

Moreover, it would not be strange if the servants came upstairs because of Luo Xichen's mission.

There were many servants in the Luo family, so many that Sha Zhixing had never seen them before. It was not surprising that their voices were unfamiliar to her.

A lot of bodyguards had been deployed at the wedding today. The security was very good. Even the people of absolute night had been deployed. Sha Zhixing did not care much about the safety issue At this time, she did not realize how dangerous young Madam Luo's identity would be.

After the man's words, she walked to the door and opened it.

Standing outside the door was a man with his head slightly lowered. His face could not be seen clearly, and he was holding a lunch in his hand.

"thank you! " Sha Zhixing stretched out her hand and wanted to take the lunch plate from that person's hand, but his head suddenly lifted up.

A single action stunned Sha Zhixing for a moment, and her eyes widened in shock. Her gaze fixed on his eyes... ...