Chapter 835 tracking

When Sha Zhixing reached the elevator on the first floor, she happened to bump into he simu. She was also going out to do something, so the two of them entered the elevator together.

They looked at each other and were both a little surprised.

Sha Zhixing pressed the button for the first floor and stood at the side of the elevator. She silently counted the floors and did not speak.

Although they were in the same company, the two of them actually did not have much interaction. They even rarely talked about work matters, so Sha Zhixing did not have much feelings for her.

He simu stood on the other side of the elevator. From the corner of her eye, she would occasionally look in her direction. When she thought about what had happened in the office earlier, she snorted lightly.

When she thought about what had happened in her drawer this morning, her gaze sank again.

She narrowed her eyes slightly. He simu quietly observed her, thinking about the chances of her seeing those secrets.

Sha Zhixing faintly sensed the gaze that fell on her. She turned her face slightly, and her gaze fell on her silently.

Why was she always staring at her today?

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a moment. When she thought of what happened yesterday, she quickly reacted.

That's right, she had discovered such a big secret of the design drawing. She was probably worried that she would expose that matter, right?

If it was exposed, all of her glory, as well as all of the Halos that she had previously worn on her head, would be overturned. When that time came, everyone would look at her differently, right?

Spending a day to create a design drawing was completely different from spending a few years to create a piece of work. Creating such a sensational piece of work in a day was called talent. However, if one spent a few years to design such a piece of work.. It wouldn't be difficult.

Sha Zhixing only realized later that she had grasped such a weighty secret.

However, she was never one to talk too much. This was someone else's private matter. No matter how long it took others, the 5203 admiration series was still designed by her.

Ding... ...

The Elevator Bell rang at this time, and the automatic door was opened.

Sha Zhixing's legs stepped out. She wanted to leave, but behind her, he simu's voice suddenly sounded. "yesterday, you came to my office... "

She did not finish her sentence. Halfway through her sentence, she seemed to be organizing her words and paused again.

Sha Zhixing knew what she was about to say. She turned her head to look at Sha Zhixing. There was not the slightest fluctuation in her starry eyes. "I'm not interested in other people's private affairs. "

After saying this, she walked out without turning her head back. From the beginning to the end, her tone was indifferent and distant.

He simu walked behind her and frowned slightly.

Sha Zhixing, should I believe you?

The two of them walked out of Rong Xi building one after the other and arrived at the parking lot. Sha Zhixing was about to get into the car when Shi Qinuo suddenly called her.

Sha Zhixing opened the car door and answered the phone. "Hello, Qi Nuo, are you here? "

The sudden words stunned he Simu, who was about to get into the car, and she suddenly looked in her direction.

Was she going to see Shi Qinuo?

Without noticing her gaze, Sha Zhixing opened the car door and got into the car. She turned the car around and slowly left Rong Xi building.

He simu sat in the car and looked at the shadow of her car through the car mirror. She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then the Red Sports car drove out in the direction she was going... ...

Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo had arranged to meet at a coffee shop in the city center. It was about a twenty-minute drive. When they arrived, Shi Qinuo had already arrived.

Sha Zhixing did not notice the car behind her. She got out of the car and walked straight into the coffee shop.