Chapter 836 creative endorsement for Young Master Shao and Qi Nuo

They went to the service counter and reported their names. The waiter respectfully led her to a table by the window.

Shi Qinuo sat on a chair. He wore a pair of large sunglasses on his face, which covered his handsome face. His gaze was fixed on the restaurant, as if he was deep in thought.

"Why didn't you tell me why you decided to stay? " Sha Zhixing walked to his side in a few steps and sat opposite him. She summoned the waiter and ordered for the two of them.

They had known each other for a long time and lived together in France for a period of time. She was familiar with Shi Qinuo's taste.

Sha Zhixing ordered two cups of hot drinks and a few desserts. They were all according to their preferences.

Shi Qinuo didn't expect her to write these down unconsciously. In his opinion, she was the kind of person who didn't care about anything other than her own world.

"You still like MONTBLANC, right? " Sha Zhixing was a little proud and even snorted.

Shi Qinuo took off his sunglasses casually and closed his eyes. He chose to ignore her words.

"You're pretending again. " Sha Zhixing snorted and her eyes fell on his face quietly.

Shi Qinuo's facial features were very deep. He had the characteristics of a mixed-blood. His lips were very thin and he was even prettier than many women. His eyes were like a deep pool that could easily attract people's eyes.

When his eyes fell on half of his face, he was covered in a hazy halo. He was so handsome that it was difficult for people to look away.

If such a man and Luo Xichen were to shoot a series of ads for men's jewelry for Rong Xi one day, their faces should be enough to keep the product selling well, right?

Moreover, Luo Xichen did not need to pay at all for his company's endorsement. As for Shi Qinuo, he could just give a little token of appreciation. He believed that he would not have such material things, and the advertising fees would be saved a lot.

Sha Zhixing stared at him for a long time and secretly calculated. Before she could come up with a work, she had already designed a series of ads in her mind.

Shi Qinuo narrowed his eyes and quietly observed her eyes. When he saw that her eyes seemed to brighten up a lot in an instant, he frowned slightly.

What are you up to again?

"Hello, these are the desserts you just ordered. " Suddenly, the voice of the waiter sounded.

Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo came back to their senses at the same time after he said that. They looked at the few desserts in front of them. Sha Zhixing stood up and giggled as she handed one of the desserts to him. "Master, this is my gift to you! "

"Why are you looking for me today? " When Shi Qinuo saw her smile, he knew that there was nothing good about it. He pushed away the desserts and asked directly.

Sha Zhixing did not expect her mind to be so transparent in front of him. She lowered her eyes and began to think about her words.

On the street outside the cafe, a red sports car was parked quietly. The people in the car had been looking in the direction of the two of them ever since Sha Zhixing appeared.

They watched her every move quietly, and their eyes darkened. The people in the car pushed open the car door, lowered the brim of their wide-brimmed hats, and walked straight into the restaurant.

"WELCOME! " The waiter standing guard at the door greeted warmly.

As if he didn't hear her, the person's wide hat covered most of his face, and directly walked towards the waiter who was about to walk towards Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo with two drinks in his hands