Chapter 837 calculations

The hot drinks that Sha Zhixing ordered were a Cappuccino and ESPRESSO.

After the waiter had prepared the two drinks, he was about to walk towards Sha Zhixing's position when a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

The waiter was stunned for a moment. He turned his head to look at the person's appearance, but a large stack of money was stuffed into his hand. There was also a small bag of white powder mixed in the money.

As a restaurant waiter, he had actually seen many of these things. Naturally, the waiter understood such an obvious hint.

After taking the money, the waiter did not look at the person's face. He carried the drinks back to the treatment center, turned around and did something before carrying the two drinks back to where Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo were.

"Hello, the drinks are here. " He smiled and took out the two hot drinks. The waiter placed the Cappuccino next to Sha Zhixing, and the other cup was placed next to Shi Qinuo.

The cappuccino in this shop was very beautiful. There was even a cartoon heart on it. Usually, the ones who drank this were girls, so they directly pushed it in front of Sha Zhixing.

The two drinks that Sha Zhixing ordered were originally arranged like this. She held her cup of Cappuccino and stirred it. She didn't drink it immediately because it was too hot. Instead, she was thinking about the purpose of her visit this time.

She stared at Shi Qinuo and thought for a long time. The corner of her lips curled slightly, and she fawningly handed him his cup of coffee. "Master, please enjoy. "

"just say what you want to say. " Shi Qinuo's thin lips moved, and he accepted her service very calmly.

Sha Zhixing didn't expect him to be so straightforward. He was already so direct. If she continued to beat around the Bush with him, wouldn't she appear very pretentious?

She took a deep breath and asked straightforwardly, "how long have you decided to stay in city c this time? "

Shi Qinuo paused after her words and his gaze slowly fell on her.

How long would he stay?

He had never thought of this question himself.

It was just that after her car accident last time, every time Shi qinuo planned to return to France, he always felt a little worried.

Seeing that he did not answer, Sha Zhixing treated it as if he had private matters that he could not talk about. She did not press on and continued to speak.. "If you are not busy, Join Rong Xi, right? You don't need to report every day. You just need to show up occasionally when you want to go and guide the people inside. "

"Oh? " Shi Qinuo raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He seemed to be a little surprised by her suggestion.

Sha Zhixing smiled and said, "I'll pay you according to the director's salary. Although it's a little less than the salary in France, I believe that you won't care about this, right, master? "

Shi Qinuo closed his eyes and looked at her bright eyes. He suddenly said, "Zhixing, in what capacity are you inviting me now? A friend? The Young Madam of the Luo Family? "

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his question.

Is there a difference?

Shi Qinuo lowered his eyes and casually stirred the small spoon in his hand. He took a sip of coffee.

Sha Zhixing was silent for a long time because of him. She racked her brain to think of the difference between the two.

She could feel the subtle difference between the two, but she could not describe it with words.

If it was a friend, he was selling her a favor. If it was with young Madam Luo's identity, was it a business?