Chapter 838 was invincible

Sha Zhixing was silent for a while. She thought about her words and said slowly, "as Phoebe! "

"PHOEBE? " Shi Qinuo seemed surprised by her answer. He stopped what he was doing and raised his head stiffly. He looked at her in surprise.

The name Phoebe meant a lot to Shi Qinuo. For the past 19 years, she had belonged to Luo Xichen. For Phoebe, there was only her and him in her world this year!

This name could bring back a lot of memories of him and her... ...

Sha Zhixing did not think too deeply into it. She simply felt that she had once been so close to him with that identity. If they had been friends before this, then this special year.. The relationship between the two of them was closer to that of family.

This was a relationship that was closer to that of friends, and it was more meaningful.

Shi Qinuo was silent for a long time after her words.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly, staring at the coffee in his hand that was gradually decreasing. She was about to call the waiter to order more coffee when Shi Qinuo's voice suddenly rang out, "I promise you. "

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened for a moment. She slowly turned her head to the side and smiled at him.

She knew that he would not refuse.

The two of them had known each other for so long. Even though he was still at the stage where he did not want to disturb anyone, he had never refused her anything.

"In that case, if you have time in the future, you can visit Rong Xi occasionally. I'll get someone to help you vacate a large office and we'll be waiting for you at any time. " Sha Zhixing was very happy to have received his consent.

If Rong Xi had him, the road in the design world would be invincible, right?

She waved her hand and asked the waiter to bring another cup of coffee to Shi Qinuo. Sha Zhixing took her cup and clinked it with his. She smiled and said, "welcome to Rong Xi. This is for you! "

Shi Qinuo rolled his eyes at her and drank his cup elegantly.

Sha Zhixing was in a good mood. She pushed away the foam on the Cappuccino with the small spoon and took a small sip. Then, she drank the cup directly.

In a car on the road outside the restaurant, a person was quietly watching everything. When he saw her drink the drink, his red lips raised slightly. He stepped on the gas pedal with his high heels and drove forward for a while The car stopped at a place not far from the coffee shop.

In the coffee shop, Sha Zhixing drank a few mouthfuls of coffee and tasted a little dessert.

Although there were only two people, she ordered quite a lot of things. Shi Qinuo didn't taste much, and most of the things were taken care of by her.

After taking care of all the things on the table, the two called for the waiter to buy the bill and left the coffee shop.

Sha Zhixing drove here herself, and Shi Qinuo also drove here. The two of them didn't take a car.

However, Shi Qinuo was worried about her, so he didn't get into the car immediately. Instead, he waited for her to get into the car before he was ready to leave.

"Do you want to take a ride to Rong Xi now? " Sha Zhixing opened the car door and got into the car. She rolled down the window, poked her head out and asked with a smile.

Shi Qinuo looked at the time on his watch and shook his head. "Another Day. I have to see someone later. "

"That's fine. Call me when you come. " Sha Zhixing put on her seatbelt and waved at him. She was about to start the car when she suddenly felt dizzy.

She tightened her grip on the steering wheel and frowned slightly. She slowly raised her head and looked ahead.

She felt dizzy. The passing cars seemed to be floating and spinning. It was a blur... ...