Chapter 855: The favored daughter of the heavens

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him, disapproving of his suggestion.

Although her grandfather held a position in Rong Xi, he usually did not care much about the company's affairs, not to mention the celebration party held today to celebrate the achievements of someone in the company.

It could be seen that the old man was really very happy about Sha Zhixing's matter this time.

Such happiness might not be because the new series of jewelry would bring much benefit to Rong Xi, but because he was proud of her!

He had watched Sha Zhixing grow up since she was young, and the design was her dream. Now that the flower of her dream had bloomed so brilliantly, he was happy for her.

She was now the young Madam of the Luo family, a member of the Luo family, and a proud daughter of the heavens. To be able to achieve what she had today was naturally the pride of the Luo family.

Luo Yi was especially happy because of these reasons. After hearing about Sha Zhixing's incident, he immediately asked Luo Enqi to host a banquet for her, and he took the initiative to call and invite all the famous people in City C.

Sha Zhixing did not want to Dampen Luo Yi's enthusiasm. She did not want to go, but she did not leave like Luo Xichen had told her to.

Besides, her assistant had told her that celebrities were gathering at night. If she left for such an occasion, it would hurt her grandfather's reputation?

After leaving Luo Xichen's place, Sha Zhixing went back to her office to prepare for the banquet.

Her office often prepared two or three sets of dresses and accessories for emergencies.

After marrying into the Luo family, she would often use the things she had prepared.

Sha Zhixing picked out a water-green gown and changed into it. She casually pulled up her hair and was about to go to Luo Xichen's office when she saw Shi Qinuo walking past her.

"Qino, do you want to attend the celebration party tonight? " Sha Zhixing stopped him and invited him enthusiastically.

The success of the work this time was partly due to the design, and partly due to the advertising. one-third of the success of the King of the night was due to her, and one-third was due to Luo Xichen The other one-third was due to Shi Qinuo.

Shi Qinuo glanced at her. Sha Zhixing thought that he would gladly agree, but he rejected her. "No, you guys just have fun. "

"What's the matter? Are you busy tonight? " Sha Zhixing was surprised by his answer.

He lived alone. What else could he have?

Sha Zhixing thought about it and thought that it was probably because he didn't like the lively atmosphere. He didn't want to make things difficult for him, so she didn't force him.

However, she still felt that it was a pity that he did not go at this time.

He had contributed a lot to the design this time!

Shi Qinuo did not explain too much. He turned around and went straight to the elevator.

He could understand her thoughts easily, but she could not figure out his thoughts.

The celebration party was held for her. Luo xichen would definitely go to such an occasion. What was he going to do To Watch the two of them take a loving bow in front of everyone?

Sha Zhixing turned around and went to Luo Xichen's office after he left.

Luo Xichen was busy when she went in. Sha Zhixing was worried that he might not have time to prepare his clothes later, so she went to the bedroom in his office and found a few clothes to help him match them.

It was seven o'clock when the two of them left the office. When they arrived at the hotel, almost everyone was there. All the employees of the company were there. He Simu was there too. There were a lot of people there. It was a very grand banquet.