Chapter 856 eldest grandson's daughter-in-law

Seeing Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing walking towards them, Luo Xichen smiled and walked towards them with Luo RONGCI's help.

"Zhixing, you're here, " Luo Xichen called out to her. He held her hand with one hand and Luo Rongci with the other, and walked towards the group of guests with a smile on his face.

Luo Xichen's face darkened at this action.

Sha Zhixing followed Luo Yi and walked two steps forward. She turned her head and looked at him. She smiled stiffly and looked at him. "This is what grandfather wants. "

It's none of my business!

Luo Xichen snorted and went to the buffet area.

There were indeed a lot of people here tonight. There were a few buffet areas, long rows and rows of them. It was quite a spectacular scene.

Luo Yi introduced Sha Zhixing to the guests one by one.

He was very satisfied with her and he was always smiling. He was very proud when he introduced her, especially when he said, "this is my granddaughter-in-law. " He was so kind that people almost thought that they were hallucinating.

After Introducing Sha Zhixing, Luo Yi would usually turn his head and pull Luo Rongci over to continue the introduction. "This is my grandson. "

The guests present were very different from the guests at Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing's wedding. Most of them were friends of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing at that time, and they were younger. Otherwise, they would have been relatives Most of the guests today were friends of the old man. They were all of his age, or people from the company.

Everyone in the company knew that Sha Zhixing was Luo Xichen's wife. However, many of the old man's friends did not know this.

After hearing the old man say "this is my granddaughter-in-law" and then saying "this is my eldest grandson" , many of the people who did not understand the details were mistaken.

Then, they looked at Luo RONGCI and Sha Zhixing's age and found that they were indeed a good match. So, the group of people began to suck up to him. "The old man really has good taste. The eldest granddaughter-in-law and the eldest grandson are a match made in heaven! "

"Yes, with such a blessed grandson, it would be even better to add a great-grandson! "

"Director Su is right. The whole family is so outstanding. If we have another great-grandson, we would be a proud son of Heaven! "

Luo RONGCI listened to the words of the group of people indifferently. There was no expression on his cold face, and he did not explain anything.

The old man just laughed and seemed to be in a good mood. He did not know whether he was powerless to explain or did not want to.

The expression on Sha Zhixing's face was a little stiff after the words of the Group of people. She cleared her throat and was about to clarify, but her wrist was pulled back from the right and her body was pulled into a warm embrace.

Luo Xichen came over with a familiar face.

Luo Xichen did not even bother to talk to a group of old fogeys. He pulled Sha Zhixing's hand with a straight face and walked to a corner of the scene.

"Luo Xichen, where are you taking Sha Zhixing? " Luo Yi felt that his behavior was very rude and shouted at his back.

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at him. Without explaining anything, he took Sha Zhixing's hand and went to the garden of the hotel.

His woman, where was he taking her? Did he need to report to others?

What a joke!

Luo Xichen put his arm around Sha Zhixing's shoulder and sat down on a chair in the garden. Luo Xichen put his arms around Sha Zhixing's body and pressed her down on his lap, ignoring the possibility that someone might pass by He kissed her hard on the lips.