Chapter 864 wife first

Second Young Master Shao was a little conflicted over the breakfast, but his expression was calm as he ate.

As long as the people at home treated zhixing well, he had no more requests.

Wen Lan sat next to them and accompanied them to eat.

Considering Sha Zhixing's current situation, she thought for a moment and suggested, "why don't Zhixing not go to the company for the next few months? Everything is convenient at home, and mom can understand your situation from time to time. "

Sha Zhixing thought of the many things that had happened in the design department and lightly rejected her good intentions. "Mom, it's fine. The company has Xi Chen! We'll see in a few months. "

Wen Lan had noticed her attitude towards work after she had joined Rong Xi. She knew that she would not give up on the design easily, so she did not insist.

"Then, I'll have someone send the food over to you after lunch, " Wen Lan said, considering that the food outside was not nutritious enough.

Sha Zhixing smiled and nodded.

Luo Xichen then drove her to Rong Xi.

Wen Lan had only just found out about the news of the baby the day before, and her joy had yet to fade. She remembered that she had nothing to do in the morning, so she took the car with the two of them to Rong Xi.

Sha Zhixing was too young, and there were still many things she did not understand. Now that she was in the early stages, Wen lan was afraid that she would not pay attention to some details, such as eating some food that pregnant women could not eat, or drinking some cold drinks, and so on. She always wanted to look at them and feel at ease.

The three of them entered Rong Xi's building together. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, a secretary carrying a large stack of documents suddenly rushed towards the three of them.

She ran very fast, her head heavy, as if she had something urgent to do.

Without looking at the three people in front of her, she rushed straight towards them.

Just as she was about to reach the elevator, she suddenly slipped and her body went straight towards Sha Zhixing.

One move shocked Wen Lan, and her heart clenched.

Sha Zhixing did not expect such a situation to happen as soon as she arrived at the company. She reflexively covered her stomach and wanted to retreat, but Luo Xichen suddenly stood in front of her and deftly blocked the hit.

The secretary staggered and bumped into him.

"sorry, sorry! " The man was stunned for a moment and apologized. He looked up and wanted to leave, but when he saw Luo Xichen's face, he froze. "Young Master Luo... "

Luo Xichen's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. His cold gaze fell on her body, and the man looked as if he was frozen. He did not dare to move.

Luo Xichen's sharp gaze swept across her body. He turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing behind him. His face softened. "Zhixing, are you okay? "

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing shook her head.

"I'm going to get my resignation letter today! " Luo Xichen shot a cold glance at the secretary and said. Then, he led Sha Zhixing to the floor.

The secretary stood rooted to the ground, unable to react to his words.

She was fired? ! !

Because of what?

Did she bump into the wrong person?

Luo Xichen went to his office after that. Wen Lan's heart was still in shock after what had just happened. She looked left and right all the time, afraid that there would be another rash person around.

The two of them walked towards Sha Zhixing's office. She reminded her, "Zhixing, it's only the first month. Be careful in all aspects. If you don't know anything, ask your mother. The first trimester of pregnancy might be a little tough. Just get through it... "

Not Far Away, he simu quietly walked towards the two of them. When she brushed past them, she just happened to catch Wen lan's words.

There really is a baby... ...