Chapter 865, first young Madam

From the corner of her eye, she cast a sidelong glance in the direction of Sha Zhixing. He SIMU's face sank at first, but she slowly reacted to Wen lan's words, and the corners of her lips curved upwards without a trace.

"Good morning, madam, good morning, Miss Sha! " Smiling, she greeted the two of them. He SIMU's face did not reveal anything, and she calmly walked forward.

After that, Wen Lan accompanied Sha Zhixing to her office.

After chatting with her for a while inside, she returned to the Luo family at 10 o'clock to personally prepare lunch for the two of them.

Sha Zhixing was about to do some serious work after sending her off, but grandfather Luo came back in less than two minutes.

Grandfather Luo was also very precious to his first great-grandson. When he came in, he asked his assistant to bring a lot of nourishing breather and a parenting book.

After he came in, he began to Nag Sha Zhixing about having to eat all three meals from now on. He could not be picky about food, or the baby would suffer from malnutrition. He also asked Luo Xichen to take her out for a walk more often to get some fresh air and adjust her mood He could not work too hard during this period of time.

He said a lot of things.

Sha Zhixing could understand his mood. She just nodded at him with a smile on her face. She did not deny anything he said.

The old man thought that she had heard everything and was very satisfied. He sat in the room for a while and left with his assistant.

Luo Enqi came in again.

Luo Enqi was not as Naggy as the old man. He came in to give Sha Zhixing some small gifts. They were all children's gifts. He said that he had thought of it when he went out to discuss the contract with his friends in the morning and asked his assistant to buy them.

There was a large pile of toys, both for boys and girls.

Sha Zhixing was silent after his words.

Since when did he, who had always been serious about his work, think of other things when he was talking about business?

And it was a fetus that had not even formed yet.

It was obvious that he would not need to buy these things for a long time.

However, Luo Enqi seemed to be very happy when he came in with these things. Sha Zhixing could understand the excitement of the elders when they found out about this, so she did not say anything.

Luo Enqi sat in the office for a while and left.

Then, Luo Xichen came in.

So, for the whole morning, Rong Xi's people kept watching the people of the Luo family walk into Sha Zhixing's office one after another. They were always smiling, and it was obvious that they were happy.

When Wen Lan and Sha Zhixing came in in the morning, a few passers-by heard them. Someone whispered about it in the office, and the Group of people who were puzzled immediately exploded.

"So she has a baby. No wonder! " One of the employees exclaimed.

"Yeah, it seems that her stomach hasn't shown any signs of improvement yet, and everyone is already so busy. A mother is valued by her children. Young Madam's position in the Luo family will be even more consolidated in the future! "

"Look at the situation this morning. is she going to be pampered to the heavens? "

"That's for sure. Don't you see what kind of child she's carrying? A DRAGON CHILD! Rong Xi's little crown prince or little princess, how can they not be popular? "

A group of employees were chattering in the office, and the discussion was very intense.

Most of them just had a gossipy mentality and didn't have any malicious intentions.

Halfway through the conversation, a sentence suddenly floated out from a corner of the big office, "the little prince and the little princess are both here. This time, who, who, who has even less chance, right? "

That person's voice wasn't loud, but it made all the gazes at the scene turn towards her.