Chapter 866 the beloved child of God

He simu happened to pass by and caught the man's words. The corners of her lips curled up and she let out a faint snort.

Didn't they say that the higher you hold someone up, the more painful the fall?

She glanced at them from the corner of her eyes and the group of gossipers shut their mouths in unison. They quickly dispersed and continued to do their own things as if nothing had happened.

He simu glanced at the Group of people from the corner of her eyes and went back to her office expressionlessly.

It was almost lunchtime. Luo Xichen suddenly thought of Sha Zhixing when he was in the middle of his work. He did not know what she was doing, but he really wanted to go over and take a look.

In addition, it was almost lunchtime, so he did not come out after he went to her office.

Sha Zhixing was looking at some news related to the recent jewelry press conference. This time, her work had caused a huge sensation, especially the three famous names in the main series, the "city-toppling beauty" advertisement Every single one of them could make people in the design industry scream.

The media's reviews were also very good, whether it was for Sha Zhixing, Shi Qinuo, or Luo Xichen, who was in charge of the advertising.

There were more reviews for Sha Zhixing, such as "the most explosive new star in the design industry" , "the most talented rookie in the history of design" , "the designer who combines beauty and talent" , and "the new queen of the design industry" .

This time, there were almost zero negative reviews for her work. Every title given to her by the media was very resounding.

Sha Zhixing's name reverberated throughout the fashion industry both at home and abroad.

This was the highest point of her career in design for more than a year. She was very happy that her work could gain the approval of so many people. Design was her dream. Now, her dream had already reached the other shore This kind of feeling was difficult to describe with words.

In the eyes of the outside world, she was the big winner in life. She had looks, a figure, and wisdom. She had even married into such a good family as the Luo family. Now, she was also famous, and she even had the flesh and blood of the Luo family.

No matter which one of these was, it was something that many people could only dream of but could not reach.

Yet, she had all of them.

Many people thought that such a woman was lucky and blessed by God.

In the latest issue of many magazines, Sha Zhixing had led many Asian socialites and become the envy of Asian women.

Sha Zhixing was not as excited about all this as the outside world. She did not believe in fate. In her opinion, many things that she had now seemed like a gift from the heavens, but no one knew the sweat on her back.

The only luck that Sha Zhixing recognized was that she was able to get to know Luo Xichen. After all, not everyone was as lucky as she was to be able to bump into such a childhood friend at birth.

Wen Lan had asked the chauffeur to drive her over at noon. She had prepared a very rich lunch for the two of them. After lunch, she did not bother with Luo Xichen. She took out the dishes one by one and introduced them to Sha Zhixing "This is a chicken and cheese roll, and this is an egg sandwich, Lotus seed Corn Porridge, fried shrimp. Go with some of them. "

Wen Lan had always been an elegant lady ever since she found out that Sha Zhixing had a baby, but now she was a little chatty. Anyone could tell that she was taking care of Sha Zhixing from her tone.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he watched from the side.

Whose biological mother is this?