Chapter 867 was being watched by everyone

Wen Lan did not leave immediately after she arrived at noon. Instead, she was in the office watching Sha Zhixing eat a lot of lunch.

Sha Zhixing did not have a good appetite during pregnancy and her symptoms were very serious. She would feel sick whenever she smelled something fishy. Wen Lan had brought too much food and she obviously could not eat it.

She turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen who was beside her. Sha Zhixing turned her back to Wen Lan and gave him a look, wanting him to help her with something.

However, Luo Xichen ignored her and continued to eat as if he did not see her eyes.

Sha Zhixing looked at him and frowned. She kicked him lightly under the table.

Luo Xichen grunted and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He held his fork. Just when Sha Zhixing thought that he would help him, he put some of his food on her plate and moved her seafood into his own food box.

There was no reduction in the amount of food exchanged.

After that action last night, he patted her head as if he was rubbing a small animal. "Be good, don't be picky. Everyone is watching. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless

Sha Zhixing was speechless by his coaxing tone. She looked at Wen lan from the corner of her eyes and smiled stiffly under her shocked gaze. "Mom, Xichen is joking. "

After that, she smiled and swallowed the food with difficulty with the cutlery in her hand.

She did not have an appetite to begin with. Her stomach felt weird when she looked at the pile of food. She pushed Luo Xichen aside and ran into the bathroom.

The sound of running water followed after her.

Luo Xichen glanced in her direction and felt a little worried. He pushed the plate aside and followed her.

Wen Lan had been through this before. She was very clear about the symptoms of the early stages of pregnancy. She looked at the pile of food on the table and went to the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing was puking in pain. Her Pale face was drained of blood and a few strands of hair on her forehead were wet with sweat. She looked a little pitiful.

Luo Xichen came to her side worriedly and helped her brush off the strands of hair on her forehead. He asked gently, "are you okay? "

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing shook her head and forced a smile.

"Zhixing, why don't I make you something else? " Wen Lan could not stand it anymore. She was already thin and now there was another one in her stomach. How could she puke it out before it was digested She left the room after saying that.

Sha Zhixing didn't expect her to do that. She was afraid that it would be troublesome, so she followed her out of the room and hurriedly stopped her. "Mom, don't be like this. It's okay. "

The people that Rong Xi had left in the office at noon looked at the two of them when they appeared at the same time.

What was going on?

Wen Lan didn't listen to Sha Zhixing. She took her hand away indifferently and smiled. "It's okay. It's not far from home. Mom will be here soon. You can eat for now. I'll come back later. "

After saying that, she rushed downstairs.

Sha Zhixing could not stop her. She had no choice but to return to the office.

About an hour later, Wen lan came again. She left in a hurry with a big lunchbox in her hand.

This was the first time that Rong Xi's people had seen Wen lan running around like this. She had run around twice in the afternoon. Other than Sha Zhixing, they had never seen her treat anyone like this.

As a result, Sha Zhixing's status in the eyes of Rong Xi's employees immediately rose.