Chapter 878 was only for her

Sha Zhixing did not understand their manly way of communicating. She looked at him strangely and waved his hand away coldly.

Luo Xichen was not angry with her. He waved the book in His hand and smiled at Shi Qinuo. "I'm sorry about last night. "

Shi Qinuo snorted and looked at Sha Zhixing. "Remember, you can't recognize those photos, or it will only make things more chaotic. If someone still suspects, this case book and the hospital records will explain everything! "

Sha Zhixing was surprised by his words. She looked at him in shock.

Shi Qinuo's eyes were bitter, but he didn't explain further.

He looked at the Luo family's house and then at her. "Go in, I'll go back first. "

He turned the car around and was about to leave when Luo Xichen's arm suddenly stopped in front of his car.

Shi Qinuo was stunned and turned his head slightly.

Luo Xichen held the medical record that he had given him and smiled. "thank you. "

"It has nothing to do with you, " Shi Qinuo said as he closed his eyes and smirked

All of his decisions and struggles were because of Sha Zhixing!

If he had really done something to her, he would not be the Shi Qinuo she thought he was?

Shi qinuo glanced at Sha Zhixing from the corner of his eyes and did not say anything. He started the car and slowly left the Luo family home.

After he left, Sha Zhixing turned around and walked back home. She had not spoken to Luo Xichen at all.

Luo Xichen followed behind her. He looked at the booklet in his hand and thought of the scene when he left Rong Xi last night. He felt as if a thorn had been stabbed in his heart.

The two of them went back to the Luo family home in silence. After breakfast, they went back to Rong Xi as usual.

He did not know what kind of storm would greet the two of them next. Luo Xichen got into a car with Sha Zhixing and drove to Rong Xi's building.

They arrived just a few minutes before work. There were many people around them.

When they saw the two of them, almost everyone's eyes instantly focused on the two of them. Many people immediately began to whisper among themselves.

However, no one dared to say anything loud since Luo Xichen was there.

Sha Zhixing did not know what they were talking about, but she could guess that they were talking about what happened yesterday.

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at the Group of people. The group of people who were still talking were scared and shut up immediately.

Luo Xichen slowly looked away and stopped at Sha Zhixing. He was worried about her reaction after hearing what he said. However, Sha Zhixing did not seem to hear anything and looked straight ahead She continued to walk on her own path as if nothing had happened. From the beginning to the end, her expression was as calm as water, as if she had not been affected in the slightest.

Luo Xichen was a little surprised by her reaction, but he felt a little relieved.

He was afraid that she would not be able to take the blow this time. However, it seemed that she had performed better than he had expected.

This was how his woman should be.

The two of them came to the elevator under the watchful eyes of Rong Xi and the Group of people. They went upstairs. Luo Xichen first sent her to her office. He watched as she started her new day's work as if nothing had happened before he went to his own office.