Chapter 879: a resounding slap

Sha Zhixing's hand, which was flipping through the documents, paused after he left. She suddenly raised her head and glanced at the time on her phone. She pulled out her chair, stood up, and walked towards the large office of the design department.

When she arrived, almost everyone had arrived.

When they saw her suddenly appear, they were all a little surprised.

After experiencing such a huge storm last night, she was still able to stand in front of everyone so calmly. How much mental endurance did she need to be able to withstand such a huge blow?

He simu sat in her office and looked out through the transparent glass at her. Her face darkened.

Sha Zhixing did not leave Luo Xichen. She did not even leave Rong Xi. She had not expected this!

This was not her style. With her straightforward personality, such a thing had happened. Moreover, Luo Xichen did not seem to believe her yesterday. He Simu felt that it would be more appropriate for her to leave like she did a year ago.

Sha Zhixing looked at her through the glass and quietly watched her reaction. Under the surprised gazes of the crowd, she suddenly walked towards her office.

"Miss Sha, what's the matter? " He simu calmed the expression on her face. The French leather lazy chair spun for a moment, and she slowly raised her head.

Sha Zhixing came before her desk, her clear and cold gaze fixed on her face. Looking at her beautiful face, she suddenly raised her hand, and a slap landed on her face.

Her slap was very sudden, and it was especially hard. The entire office reverberated with the crisp sound of a slap. After that, the rest of the people in the large office also turned their gazes in her direction.

He simu's ears were buzzing from her slap. The five-fingered marks on her bright face were especially obvious, and her face was somewhat swollen.

It was the first time she had been hit like this in her entire life. She could no longer hide her temper that she had been hiding all this time. She covered her face with one hand and growled at her in a low voice, "Sha Zhixing, what are you doing? "

Sha Zhixing's gaze swept over her face, which was about to be unable to continue pretending. She nonchalantly picked up a glass of water from the side of her hand and handed it to her. She said in a light voice, "Miss He, are you feeling better? "

Her words stunned everyone, including he simu.

What was going on?

Sha Zhixing glanced at the breakfast cake that happened to be placed on her desk. She stuffed the glass of water into Sha Zhixing's hand with someone who was fine. Her voice was still as calm as ever "Didn't miss he choke just now? I heard that this way, she can spit things out. "

Acting Who didn't know how to act?

When Sha Zhixing came in, her back was facing the other people in the large office. When she attacked, her back was also blocked. No one saw how she attacked. It was only after they heard her voice that they turned their gazes over.

Now that they heard what she said, although they felt that this reason was a little strange, the two usually did not have any enmity, so it was impossible for Sha Zhixing to hit he simu for no reason.

Even though her words were a little far-fetched, many people still believed her. She probably did not control her strength well.

Moreover, she was a dignified young Madam, so how could she know so much.

He simu's expression was a little twisted after she said a few words. She really wanted to refute her words, but Sha Zhixing's red lips slowly moved twice. Then, she lightly said three words, "plan. "