Chapter 880: Who's fiercer

Her voice was very soft, but he simu was standing so close to her, so she could clearly hear her.

He simu's back stiffened, and all of he simu's blood instantly froze.

She naturally knew what Sha Zhixing meant by those three words.

Those earlier drafts of the admiration series... ...

Sha Zhixing stood where she was, looking at her coldly, and the corners of her lips curved upwards without a trace.

She couldn't find any evidence to prove who did this news, but no matter who it was, if they provoked her, at worst, they would fight to the death!

Was she going to expose it When the time came, they would expose it together and see who was more ruthless!

He SIMU's body temperature was cold after her words. She stood stiffly on the spot and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

What was wrong with Sha Zhixing today She was completely different from before. She was less docile, more arrogant and unyielding. One look and it was obvious that she wasn't someone to provoke.

What on Earth had happened to make her change so much?

What happened last night?

However, all the evidence was in her hands. It should be impossible for her to find out... ...

He Simu was very confused. She stared at her for a long time before her gaze turned to the rest of the people in the office.

Everyone in the large office was looking at the two of them with inquisitive eyes.

He Simu took a few deep breaths to calm the emotions on her face. She squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth. "I'm much better now. Thank you. "

Sha Zhixing snorted coldly and walked out of her office. She called her assistant and turned her head to instruct her "contact all the media outlets. I will hold a press conference in the square below Rong Xi's building in half an hour. I will answer all their questions. "

She turned around and walked back to her office.

Luo Xichen heard the news a few minutes later.

Before the press conference, he pulled Sha Zhixing into his office and sat her down on the Sofa. He looked a little uneasy. "Zhixing, why did you make this decision without discussing it first? "

He was worried that she wouldn't know how to deal with the reporters'questions if they were too sharp.

Sha Zhixing glanced at his face and then looked away.

He did not answer his question.

Luo Xichen frowned and turned to face her. He forced her eyes to meet his and sighed. "What happened last night... "

Before he could finish his sentence, Sha Zhixing pushed him away, stood up and walked out of the room.

"I have a lot of things to prepare for later, " she said calmly from behind him

Her attitude was neither cold nor warm. She did not seem to be angry, but she did not seem to have forgotten about what happened last night.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and fixed his gaze on her back. He followed her out in large strides.

Sha Zhixing went back to her office and continued with her work. The official ceremony was held half an hour later.

The moment the assistant announced the news, the square downstairs of Rong Xi's building was filled with reporters in less than ten minutes.

The platform was built in less than ten minutes, and all the preparations were done very quickly. There were a lot of staff, and everything was basically done in less than ten minutes.

Sha Zhixing and Luo xichen appeared at the scene one after the other. As soon as they appeared, the camera was focused on them one by one. The shutter kept clicking, and the crowd began to stir.