Chapter 881 showing affection

Luo Xichen's eyes swept across the crowd of reporters. He then glanced at Sha Zhixing, who was beside him. Suddenly, he held her hand and led her to his arm. In this posture, he led her to the stage.

His pace was casual and a little lazy. His expression was as indifferent as water. It was obvious that he was not affected by what had happened yesterday.

The reporters below the stage were stunned for a moment.

They looked at Sha Zhixing and her expression was the same.

The reporters looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

The News had just come out yesterday, and now the two of them appeared together in such an intimate manner. Were they trying to show off their closeness or something?

Many people had the same question mark in their minds.

However, the media who knew Luo Xichen a little knew that second young master Shao was never that kind of person. There was no need for him to put on an act. He would give you a cold shoulder when he was happy, but he did not care about you when he was unhappy. Since when did he put on an act in front of the media?

The crowd was even more confused when they thought of this. They looked at the two of them in surprise and pressed the shutter even harder.

Sha Zhixing knew very well what was going on. She also knew very well why Luo Xichen did this. She allowed him to lead her to the center of the stage. She did not say a word from the beginning to the end, nor did she push him away.

Sha Zhixing did not discuss this sudden arrangement with Luo Xichen in advance. Luo Xichen did not know how she was going to deal with it. He did not ask, but he was thinking about his own words.

Sha Zhixing's eyes slowly swept across the faces at the scene. She adjusted the height of the microphone and her clear voice slowly sounded in the huge square

"Good Morning, friends from the media. Yesterday's incident was very sudden. I only heard the news very late, so I've organized a press conference today. I'm sure everyone has a lot of questions. Now, the press conference officially begins. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will answer them one by one. "

Her words were light and calm, and her expression was calm and composed. This made the faces at the scene frown again.

Her personal world had undergone an earth-shattering change, yet she could still speak so calmly. Just how strong was this person's mental endurance?

"everyone, let's begin now! " Sha Zhixing's voice sounded again as the corners of her lips slowly tugged at each other.

The media returned to their senses and looked at her. One after another, explosive topics rained down like raindrops.

"Miss Sha, how do you explain the photos of the car shaking the door last night? "

"What is the relationship between you and Mr. Shi Qinuo? "

"It is said that Mr. Shi has helped you a lot in your design career. Is that true? "

"Miss Sha, what do you think of your position this time? "

The reporters'words were usually very sharp. Luo Xichen's face darkened as he listened to them. He really wanted to get someone to kick out the few who had spoken the most unpleasant words. However, before he could do anything, he was stopped by Sha Zhixing.

Since she was already standing there, Sha Zhixing had made all the necessary preparations.

When he had left her alone last night, the words of those people were much more harsh than these.

After what had happened last night, her heart had become much stronger. She had become numb to the words of those people... ...