Chapter 890 making a fuss in the kitchen in the middle of the night

Luo Xichen did not want to push her too hard. Sha Zhixing did not choose to leave after the incident. She stayed in the House. Since she had chosen to stay, he believed that she would not be angry for long.

"Go to sleep first. I will go downstairs for a while. " Luo Xichen let go of Sha Zhixing and stood up to go downstairs.

His stomach had been empty after lunch. He had wandered around the mountains for so many hours and had not eaten dinner. He was actually quite hungry at this time.

He went downstairs and found the kitchen by himself. Luo Xichen found a packet of instant noodles and cooked for himself.

His voice was not very loud, but it was late at night. Besides, there was only this villa around, so it was still somewhat clear.

Sha Zhixing was in the room. The door of the house was open. The sound coming from downstairs was not very obvious, but it could still be heard.

She turned her head and looked in the direction of the door. She stood up and walked out of the door step by step.

She went downstairs and followed the sound to the kitchen door. She did not go in but stood outside and watched quietly.

Luo Xichen had never touched instant noodles since he was a child. He had only eaten with her once or twice before. He seemed to dislike it when he cooked it himself. He took a pile of ingredients and threw them into the kitchen to cook.

The fragrance in the kitchen was very strong. Sha Zhixing was watching him from outside. She did not help or say anything.

Luo Xichen spent a few minutes to cook a big bowl of instant noodles. He put it in the bowl and was about to carry it out when he saw Sha Zhixing outside. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Are you hungry? " He asked with a smile as he came to the table with the bowl.

"I was just disturbed and came down to check on the situation, " Sha Zhixing said faintly.

Luo Xichen sneered and sat down at the table. He took a few bites with his chopsticks and patted the seat next to him, indicating for her to sit down.

Sha Zhixing snorted and stood there, ignoring him.

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and stood up. He walked to her side and dragged her to the table, pressing her to sit next to him.

He was a little strong, and did not give Sha Zhixing any room to struggle.

After sitting down, he picked up a small handful of noodles and brought it to her.

He did not like this kind of thing at first, but after stealing the noodles from her bowl that time, he was not so repulsed by the taste. He even had some aftertaste.

Sha Zhixing stared at the noodles he brought over and did not have any intention of eating.

Luo Xichen thought that she had not had much of an appetite recently, and that she should have some nutrients during pregnancy, so he did not insist. Instead, he brought a prawn from his bowl to her.

He was a little cautious when he did this. Ever since he found out that she had a baby in her belly, he had seen with his own eyes how serious her symptoms were in the early stages of pregnancy. He was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable after smelling the seafood.

Sha Zhixing watched his reaction quietly. She observed the look on his face and saw the caution in his eyes. The corners of her lips twitched a little.

Luo Xichen did not notice her subtle movements. He did not take back the food that he had brought to her lips.

It was said that pregnant women tended to get hungry easily. He was afraid that she would get hungry, but she would not say it out loud because she was angry with him.

The two of them persisted for a while. When Luo Xichen was about to take back his hand to change the food, Sha Zhixing suddenly stretched her neck and put the food he had brought into her mouth.