Chapter 889: Interaction Between Second Young Master Luo and Young Master Shao

Sha Zhixing did not reject him. She lay quietly in his arms and let him put her on the bed.

Luo Xichen could not stand seeing her like this. It was as if he was facing a doll. He did not say anything and did not stop her. He could do whatever he wanted.

He turned his head and looked at her. Suddenly, he made a very shameless gesture and reached his hand towards her chest.

He thought that Sha Zhixing would scream and push him away or come out from under him. However, she just looked at him indifferently and did not even flinch.

Luo Xichen had made this move to provoke her. However, she had an expression on her face. Her outstretched hand froze in mid-air and could not fall.

She wanted to pull her hand back, but when she saw her calm face, she could not help but want to disturb her heart.

Her outstretched hand fell on the target and covered it directly

Sha Zhixing's expression changed slightly and her face became a little hot.

Luo Xichen quietly observed her reaction and keenly captured every minute expression on her face. His thin lips curled up without a trace.

She was much more pleasing to the eye than before!

Luo xichen lifted a small piece of her wet hair with his fingertips and took a look. He stood up and searched the room for a hairdryer. He pressed her down onto his lap and did not care whether she was happy or not. He continued to blow her hair for her.

He had done this countless times since he met her. He was very familiar with his movements. When he was blowing her hair until it was half dry, he suddenly spoke up "It's not that I don't believe what happened last night. I just wanted to clear my head before I knew how to deal with it. "

She paused and said slowly, "everyone has moments when their emotions are out of control. It's the same for me. My head was just too messed up... "

Sha Zhixing looked up and her eyes fell on his face quietly. She looked at his still slightly bruised face and thought of the sorry state he had been in when she saw him last night. She suddenly said, "So, you went to fight with someone? "

Luo Xichen was a little stunned after hearing her words. He realized what she had said and touched his face, which did not hurt at all. He smiled gently.

He had never been in such a situation in his entire life. In fact, he felt pretty good fighting with Shi Qinuo.

However, Luo Xichen did not dare to say it out loud.

Luo Xichen put one hand on her belly and suddenly started talking to the unformed baby. "Baby, I'm Daddy. Look at Mommy's face. Isn't it ugly? "

He Pinched Sha Zhixing's face as he said that.

Sha Zhixing glared at him. Luo Xichen ignored her small eyes and continued, "Mommy is fighting with Daddy. Isn't that wrong? Does baby want to see daddy and mommy like this? "

After saying that, he put his face against her stomach and pretended to listen to her. Then, he said to himself, "baby doesn't want to see Mommy like this? "

He paused and looked up at Sha Zhixing. There was a smile on his lips. "Zhixing, our baby said that he doesn't want to see his mommy like this. What do you think? "

There was a hint of mockery in his words. He looked at Sha Zhixing with eyes as bright as the night water.

Sha Zhixing's cold eyes glanced at him. She snorted and turned to look out of the window.