Chapter 888 came

She was not angry, but she should not be so indifferent.

Luo Xichen thought that she must be a little angry now that she had come all the way here.

It was very quiet in the villa. The servants seemed to have left. Although the lights were on in the whole house, no one moved.

Luo Xichen went into the house and went upstairs. He pushed the door open one room at a time.

He found Sha Zhixing in the last room in the corridor. She had just come out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet. She was a little surprised to see him, and her hands froze.

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a sharp gaze. The hair on his forehead was a little messy and there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead. He looked like he had rushed all the way here.

Sha Zhixing's eyes fell on Luo Xichen and she looked him up and down. She frowned.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? " Luo Xichen's tone was a little cold. When he stared at her, his eyes were as cold as ice and it made people shudder.

"I told mom and the others. " Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and wiped her wet hair casually. She turned her back and did not look at Luo Xichen anymore.

"You told them and you didn't tell me? " Luo Xichen walked towards her step by step, his voice a little more serious.

Sha Zhixing closed her eyes slightly and continued to focus on her own things, as if she did not care about him at all.

Luo Xichen felt a wave of anger rise in his chest under her action. He pressed his hand on her wrist to stop her from moving. He turned her around and forced her to look at him.

"Zhixing, about last night... " his thin lips moved slowly. He wanted to explain, but found it difficult to open his mouth.

Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. The corners of her lips curled up.

Even she had nothing to say?

"Zhixing, I... " Luo Xichen's lips moved slightly, and he tightened his grip on her wrist.

Sha Zhixing looked at him expressionlessly and said coldly, "no need to explain. Your reaction is normal after what happened last night. "

Her words did not waver at all. After saying that, she took her hand out of his wrist, turned around, and walked towards the balcony step by step.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her quietly. There was a bitter look in his eyes as he looked at her delicate figure in the dim light.

She understood what he meant, but it was obvious from her eyes and tone that she did not want to talk about it.

Sha Zhixing stood on the balcony with her back to him. She wiped her hair with her hand very slowly. Her eyes were empty in the dark night. Her every move was a little mechanical.

It was impossible for her to say that she did not mind the situation last night.

When everyone was blaming her and no one believed her, she also hoped that someone could trust her as usual, stand by her side and give her a shoulder to lean on.

However, what he gave her was a cold back view.

Sha Zhixing had no way to explain herself with her photo there. She did not blame Luo Xichen, but her heart was cold when she thought about it.

One of them was standing outside the room, and the other was standing in the middle of the room. She did not know how long the situation had been like this. Sha Zhixing had almost dried her hair, but she did not seem to want to come in.

"Are you going to stand outside until dawn? " Luo Xichen closed his eyes and walked over. He carried her in his arms and led her into the room.