Chapter 884 -- taking an inch and taking a mile

There was a microphone in front of the two of them. Although their voices sounded like they were chatting normally, after the microphone was magnified, everyone present heard it clearly.

Many people could not help but break out in cold sweat when they heard it.

Deliberately targeting?

Who would have the courage to deliberately target Rong Xi?

After what happened yesterday, at most, they were just following the trend.

Moreover, in that situation, who knew which side second young master Shao's flag was leaning on?

He simu stood upstairs, slowly chewing on Sha Zhixing's words, and her beautiful brows furrowed slightly.

Why did she sound so sarcastic?

Was she saying it on purpose?

He Simu smirked and turned to leave.

She was not worried that Sha Zhixing would suspect her. The evidence had been destroyed, how could she force a crime on her?

The press conference came to an end a few minutes later. When it ended, a large group of people surrounded Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing. The questions they asked had turned from sharp to married life.

Luo Xichen had no idea where he got the time today. He patiently answered them one by one without losing his temper.

Sha Zhixing had had enough of acting. She could not keep up with him anymore. She turned around and wanted to leave, but Luo Xichen pulled her into his arms expressionlessly. He put one hand on her shoulder and turned her around so that she could face the reporters with him.

He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. He smiled. "where are you going without waiting for me, madam? "

Sha Zhixing quietly kicked him with the tip of her foot. She smiled faintly and said, "I thought you were leaving too. "

The reporters were busy taking pictures of their faces. They did not notice that Luo Xichen was hurt by her kick.

Luo Xichen frowned and turned his head. He smiled and waved at the crowd "That's all for today's press conference. If you are interested in our lives, feel free to ask about Rong Xi's press conference in the future. But don't put irrelevant people on our heads like this again. "

His tone was a little relaxed and his attitude was a little easygoing. The reporters were flattered by his attitude.

Since he had said so, the group of people did not want to Pester the two of them anymore. They automatically made way for the two of them.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Luo Xichen held Sha Zhixing and walked upstairs casually. As they walked, he turned his head and whispered something into her ear. The two of them looked very intimate from the back.

Sha Zhixing had been holding on. He was acting, and she was playing along with him. As soon as they entered his office, her palm-sized face changed color immediately. She quietly pushed his hand away from her waist.

Luo Xichen ignored her and pushed her to the SOFA next to him. He turned his body sideways and half-pressed on her. One of his hands pinched her soft waist, and the other hand lifted the hem of her clothes and caressed her flat belly.

The cold hand brought a slight chill. Sha Zhixing shrank back and raised her hand to take his hand out.

Luo Xichen held her wrist with a backhand, as if he could not see her unhappy look. He touched her palm, and even bent his head and kissed her belly with his thin lips.

His eyes were very gentle when he did this. The kiss was very light at first, but for some reason, it suddenly became deeper and deeper, and the positions began to change slowly... ...