Chapter 885 is this really okay

Sha Zhixing seemed to be more sensitive than before after having a baby. Luo Xichen's movement caused her body to freeze. She wanted to push his head away, but Luo Xichen held her hand down and stopped her.

Luo Xichen's lips were pressed against her fair and soft skin. He kissed her one kiss after another. Luo xichen seemed to be insatiable. He used both hands to caress her belly, one kiss after another.

Sha Zhixing could not fight back as she was controlled by him. She twisted her body and kicked him lightly.

Luo Xichen came back to his senses and glanced at her restless legs. He raised his eyebrows and stopped all his movements.

He looked up at her and said Lazily, "Zhixing, is it really okay to disturb my communication with my son like this? "

Sha Zhixing snorted and rolled her eyes at him. She tidied up her clothes and stood up expressionlessly.


Is this how I communicate with my son?

Besides, how did he know it was his son?

Sha Zhixing had a lot of opinions about what he said, but she did not say anything.

"there are a lot of things to do at the company. I'll go back first, " she said and turned to go back to her office.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly and sighed.

He flipped through the documents and thought about the news. He was a little annoyed and could not help but throw the documents aside.

He did not know anything about what had happened this time. Other than the fact that Sha Zhixing had been photographed, he did not know anything else. He did not even have a clue about what had happened.

He did not know where she had been drugged, how she had fallen into the trap, or what had happened after that.

However, he was very sure that the person who had targeted her this time had nothing to do with his identity.

Luo Xichen was very curious. who had this girl offended that she would bring him such a big trouble?

Sha Zhixing returned to her office and quickly started her work as if nothing had happened.

She was not afraid that the people behind her would continue to cause trouble. She would deal with them as they came. There were so many people around her. Who was she afraid of?

At noon, Wen Lan personally delivered lunch to Luo Xichen. She made the lunch herself. The dishes were very beautiful and the food was delicious. One could tell that she was very attentive.

She usually brought lunch for both of them directly, including Luo Enqi. That was three servings.

After lunch was delivered, Luo Xichen was called to Sha Zhixing's office. Wen Lan pushed the two of them to sit together.

Wen Lan was chatting with the two of them as she took her lunch. She sounded a little angry. "I've seen the news this morning. The media is really fickle these days. There aren't many credible reports! "

Sha Zhixing listened to her quietly and did not say anything.

"Zhixing, don't mind this. You can't let your mood be affected. As long as you haven't done it before, you don't have to worry about it. " Wen Lan handed her a prepared medicinal soup and comforted her. Then, she began a series of nutritional knowledge She was talking about eating more green leafy vegetables to supplement folic acid for the fetus and meat to supplement various nutrients.

Luo Xichen put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her into his arms naturally. He was also listening to her.

Sha Zhixing glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to push him away. However, she held back her impulse because Wen lan was present.

--Another topic

Only Zhixing knew that he simu liked Luo Xichen, right?