Chapter 900 rescue measures

Before all the blueprints were exposed, Sha Zhixing had posted all the missing items on the homepage of Rong Xi Company.

This was equivalent to putting a label on these things. If the other party really sold them to someone, it would be of little use.

The only thing left to do was to publish the products.

Now that this had happened, there was no other way. They could only try to minimize the losses.

The two of them stayed in the company for a long time. Sha Zhixing's work was a little easier. She finished it quickly and went downstairs to pack dinner for the two of them at eight o'clock in the evening.

Luo Xichen was still busy when he came back. Sha Zhixing sat next to him and took out the dinner that she had bought and placed it on the table.

She did not use it immediately. Instead, she turned her head and stared at Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen was very engrossed in his work. He did not seem to be disturbed even when she was going in and out. The light cast a shadow on his nose, and his resolute face looked even more exquisite under the light.

Luo Xichen was usually not very normal in front of Sha Zhixing. At this time, she suddenly realized that he was more charming than usual when he was focused on something.

Luo Xichen noticed her reaction from the corner of his eye. He paused, turned his head, looked at her and said slowly, "my dear, do you have something to say? "

His tone was lazy, and the expression on his face quickly changed to his usual casual look.

Sha Zhixing smiled and handed him a plate. "Let's eat first. "

Luo Xichen smiled and took the plate from her.

The two of them had a simple meal in the office. At around nine o'clock in the evening, Luo Xichen closed the office and left the company because of Sha Zhixing.

As they drove, Luo Xichen suddenly asked, "Zhixing, what do you think about what happened today? ''

Sha Zhixing felt that the only people who had such a clear grasp of the information in the database were a group of high-level executives or high-level assistants.

Many people had flashed across her mind. Even he simu had thought about it, but she felt that it was unlikely.

He simu liked Luo Xichen. How could she do anything against him?

If she wanted to go against him, she would at most be targeted at herself.

"Let's go back first. We'll see if the police can drop the surveillance cameras around the company tomorrow. " Sha Zhixing could not think of who it was. She could only place her hopes on tomorrow.

The loss was not a small blow to the Luo family. Important documents could sometimes bring more value than a specific amount of money. Moreover, if they did not figure it out, they might suffer even more losses in the future.

When the two of them returned home, the atmosphere in the house was a little low.

No one was in a good mood after such a big incident. The old man almost swung his walking stick at the person next to him.

Luo Rongci was sitting on the SOFA, holding a document in his hand. His eyes were cold, and his expression was still as indifferent as the wind and water. It was as if he would never stir up any waves.

Luo Xichen glanced at his face, gave him a look, and went upstairs with Sha Zhixing in his arms.

The two of them went back to the room one after the other. Sha Zhixing wanted to go to the bathroom, but Luo Xichen squeezed himself to go with her. The reason was to save time.

They had been married for so long. It was not like they had not done this before. Sha Zhixing did not push him out.