Chapter 901: Hubby is here for everything

However, there was no back-and-forth between the two of them. It was a little strange for Sha Zhixing to think about it.

Luo Xichen was always calm in front of her. He began to unbutton his silk shirt as soon as he entered the room.

He was a little stunned when he saw her staring at him. He took her hand and began to unbutton his shirt in his place.

Sha Zhixing lowered her head and helped him unbutton his shirt as she chatted with him.

"Xichen, this has never happened to Rong Xi in all these years, has it? "

"It's alright. " Luo Xichen did not want her to worry too much.

"will all the higher-ups except the Luo family be called to the police station for questioning tomorrow? " Sha Zhixing asked again.

"Yes, " Luo Xichen replied. He looked down at her face and looked at her small face. He could not help but reach out and pinch it.

"The matter should be found out soon. " Sha Zhixing pushed his hand gently. She was comforting herself and Luo Xichen.

"Zhixing, don't worry too much, " Luo Xichen said with a smile as he caressed her silky smooth skin "Now that you're in the Luo family, all you need to do is be the young Madam of the Luo family. You can be the baby's mommy in the future. There's still your husband. "

Sha Zhixing smiled and took off his shirt. She was about to get a towel when Luo Xichen hugged her from behind.

"leave the rest to me, " Luo Xichen said as he picked her up and placed her in the bathtub. He pulled out the hem of her shirt and the sound of fabric being torn was heard.

His actions were very rude and straightforward.

"I heard that bending down during pregnancy is very troublesome, " Luo Xichen said as he wiped her arms.

"Is that so? " Sha Zhixing had not read as many books on this subject as Luo Xichen, so she probably did not know as much as Luo Xichen.

However, it should be the case. Wouldn't it be more troublesome to do anything with a big belly?

Luo Xichen smiled faintly and said, "I also heard that it's troublesome to bathe yourself. "

Sha Zhixing looked at him strangely. "where did you hear so much? "

Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and asked calmly, "isn't it? "

Sha Zhixing did not know so much. She would not be able to explain it if she had not experienced it herself. She rolled her eyes at him and took the towel from his hand to wash herself.

Luo Xichen looked at her with a smile and his eyes fell on her flat belly.

He was actually looking forward to seeing her at that time. It was good for Luo Xichen to take care of one person every day, which was equivalent to taking care of two people.

The two of them spent some time in the bathroom. It was already past 10 o'clock when they came out.

Sha Zhixing had been sleeping early recently. It was almost time for her to rest.

Luo Xichen waited for her to fall asleep before he went downstairs.

Everyone in the family was still in the living room. Luo Enqi was giving Luo Rongci instructions to investigate the incident at the company.

Luo Xichen was too busy. Besides, Zhixing had a child and needed him to take care of her. Luo Xichen also had to travel frequently. Luo RONGCI was in charge of internal affairs, so Luo Enqi left Luo Xichen to Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen had come down to ask Luo Enqi if he had any other clues, but he did not expect Luo Enqi to hand over all the responsibility to Luo Rongci.

"Xichen, don't interfere in this matter. Just do your own thing! " Luo Enqi said casually when he saw Luo Xichen.