Chapter 902: The plot to sow discord

Luo Xichen felt that his decision was a little inappropriate. However, when he thought about Luo Rongci's abilities and how busy he was, he did not say anything.

In Rong Xi, every higher-up had a specific division of Labor. A few days ago, he had stayed on the mountain with Sha Zhixing. He did have a lot of things to deal with after he came back.

Luo Xichen turned around and went back to his room.

The next day was Sunday. Rong Xi did not have to go to work.

When Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing went downstairs, Luo rongci seemed to have gone out. Wen Lan said that it was for the company yesterday.

Wen Lan had not asked about Sha Zhixing's condition for a few days. When she saw her in the morning, she gestured for her to sit down at the dining table and asked her about her recent situation with a smile. She asked about how she was getting used to living on the mountain and how she was doing with Xichen She also asked a lot of questions about whether she was feeling unwell.

Finally, she asked, "what do you want to eat for lunch? It's rare that you and Xichen are both here. Mom will go and prepare it. "

Sha Zhixing thought for a few seconds and spat out a word with her red lips, "fish. "

Luo Xichen, who was in the living room, was slightly stunned by her sudden words. He turned his head slowly and looked at her, the corners of his lips slowly rising.

Sha Zhixing was also looking at him. They looked at each other. One of them continued to read the morning paper as if nothing had happened, while the other drank his milk slowly.

Wen Lan was very happy with Sha Zhixing's words. A few days ago, she had thought of a way to make her eat more of this kind of food, but now she had brought it up herself. This was very good.

"It's good to eat more fish when you have a baby and replenish all kinds of nutrients. This is also good for the baby. " Wen Lan was very pleased. She smiled and asked, "what do you want to do? "

Sha Zhixing smiled and said, "anything, mom. "

Wen Lan was very satisfied. She turned around and was about to go to work when Luo Xichen suddenly said, "prepare a copy of everything. "

Wen Lan stopped in her tracks. She turned her head and looked at Luo xichen suspiciously.

Luo Xichen did not explain. He put down the newspaper in his hand and went to the dining table. He squatted down in front of Sha Zhixing and talked to her stomach "Baby, I'm Daddy. I've been doing well recently. I didn't make mommy work so hard. Keep working hard. "

After saying that, Luo Xichen gently stroked her hand.

"Eat your breakfast! " Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She was speechless by Luo Xichen's actions.

Luo Xichen did not care about the way she looked at him. He sat down beside her and began to eat casually.

Wen Lan had been very busy this morning. She ran in and out happily. She had prepared a large table for lunch and even called Sha Nanfeng and his wife over to have a meal together.

The two families gathered together. The Luo family was especially lively today. Everyone was there except for Luo Rongci.

Luo Enqi said, "Zhixing, why don't you stop working for the next few months and stop worrying about the company's matters. You can stay at home or find a quiet place for your two mothers to go over and take care of the baby! "

Luo Yi said, "that's right. There are many things to worry about in the company's matters. Lass, you don't have to worry about it. "

Sha Zhixing smiled and said, "father, grandfather, it's not even two months yet. It's still early. "

"grandfather is afraid that these trivial matters will affect your mood, " Luo Yi corrected.

"It's okay. We'll talk about it in a few months. " Sha Zhixing looked indifferent.

Luo Xichen sat in the middle of the group. All of a sudden, he heard this and that, and no one mentioned him.

Had his feelings been ignored again?