Chapter 903: Gossip

Are these people planning to leave him alone?

It would take a few months to send Sha Zhixing away. Rong Xi had so many things to deal with. Luo xichen would not be able to leave like this.

Luo Xichen felt that the people at home were all fooling around. If they really wanted to have a baby, their castle, nightfall, or even their home would be a good choice.

He cleared his throat and suddenly said, "Zhixing, aren't we going out to look at the baby's clothes this afternoon? Let's go after dinner! "

His sudden words made everyone at the table look at him.

Sha Zhixing was the most shocked. When had she ever said something like that?

Luo Xichen suddenly looked at her and wanted to refute her.

Sha Zhixing was about to say something, but she was stopped by his gaze.

Luo xichen looked at her empty plate and guessed that she was almost done eating. He held her hand and walked out. "Let's go. We can go out for a walk after dinner. "

After that, he took Sha Zhixing's hand and walked away, ignoring the suspicious gazes of the two families.

Luo Yi was furious.

Luo Xichen was making a scene before he could finish his sentence Was He trying to pick a fight with him again?

However, his anger was immediately extinguished when he thought about the content of his words.

How good would it be to show the baby his clothes?

It was heartwarming.

Luo Xichen got into the car with Sha Zhixing. The two of them left the Luo family and went straight to the shopping street in the city.

"Why did you want to come out? " Sha Zhixing looked at the busy street after getting out of the car. She turned her head and asked in confusion.

Luo Xichen gave her a sidelong glance with a cold expression on his face.

NOT COMING OUT Not Coming out and waiting to hear how they were going to drive a wedge between the husband and wife?

"I just wanted to. " Luo Xichen did not explain further. He took her to one of the shopping malls.

He wanted to take her to look at the baby's things on the way in. However, he bumped into Qing Yafeng and a young girl on the third floor.

The four of them were still a little far away. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were at the entrance of the elevator. Qing Yafeng and the girl were in a shop a few dozen meters away. However, Sha Zhixing noticed them.

She stared at the girl for a while and suddenly stopped walking. She pulled Luo Xichen and walked towards Qing Yafeng's shop.

Qing Yafeng was sitting on a sofa in the shop. His long and straight legs were lazily crossed. His eyes were on the girl and he did not leave her.

A very beautiful girl was standing in front of the mirror and trying on her dress. Her long hair was tied into a bun, loose and loose. Her neck was long and elegant like a princess.

What attracted Sha Zhixing most was that face... ... completely unfamiliar . .

She was now very familiar with the people of the night, not to mention the members of the family, is also very familiar with the members, but, but have not seen this person.

Qing Yafeng is known to be single, Qing family's only son, cold, proud, usually few scandals, but now more than a woman.

Sha Zhixing was a little excited when she suddenly found out about such a big news. She pulled Luo Xichen along to join in the fun.

She usually did not gossip. She usually did not care about anything. How could she be like today?

Luo Xichen looked at her excited face and frowned.

Was this another reaction from her pregnancy?


If everything went according to plan, a new article would be published in the near future. Those close to her would keep an eye on the group or Qiqi Sina Weibo. Group ID: 153719867 v Group ID: 331081354. Weibo nickname: He Qingxia