Chapter 924: Be Serious

Sha Zhixing was half-pushed and half-dragged upstairs by Luo Xichen. She turned her head and looked at the people in the living room. She protested in a low voice, "I haven't talked to mom and GRANDPA YET! "

"everyone knows that you're back. " Luo Xichen did not care about what she said. She was now the focus of attention of everyone in the family. Every time she came home, everyone in the family would know?

Sha Zhixing poked him on the waist and emphasized, "this is a courtesy! "

In her opinion, it was the most basic respect to the elders to talk to the family before going in and out of the house.

"Mom won't mind. " Luo Xichen rubbed her head and continued to walk upstairs with her in his arms. It was as if he did not want to stay in the hall.

In fact, he was a little unhappy.

He and Luo Yi had different opinions at any time. They might start arguing if they stayed a little longer.

In the living room downstairs, the three people of the Luo family were all looking at Luo Xichen. Luo RONGCI's eyes were indifferent, Luo Enqi was smiling, and the veins on Luo Yi's forehead were throbbing.

Zhixing had just entered the house and was already dragging Luo Xichen into the bedroom. Why was Luo Xichen in such a hurry?

He had not even said a word to his granddaughter-in-law!

Luo Xichen brought Sha Zhixing into the room and Sat Lazily on the Sofa. An arm hooked around her waist and pulled her into his arms. He pushed her onto the sofa behind him and leaned his face towards her again.

Sha Zhixing thought that he was just making an excuse. She did not think that he was really thinking about this. She tried to avoid him.

Luo Xichen's face darkened when he failed to kiss her.

He looked at her leisurely and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He held her delicate Chin with his fingertips and bit her lips gently. "What did you say in the elevator? " He asked Lazily

Sha Zhixing was speechless

Sha Zhixing was speechless and her hand was between his face and hers. She thought for a moment and asked carefully, "I just came back and haven't eaten dinner. Aren't you hungry? "

"I'm hungry, " Luo Xichen replied. He looked her up and down and reached for her hand. Then, he added shamelessly, "I've been hungry all the way from the elevator to the car. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless again.

"BE SERIOUS! " After a moment of silence, Sha Zhixing hit him with her hand and pushed him. "Go down first. Mom will call someone up later. "

Sha Zhixing glanced at the time on her phone. It was probably time for dinner. Wen Lan would call someone up to remind him if he did not go down.

Luo Xichen ignored her words. His hand moved around her body unruly. He grabbed the hem of her clothes and was about to reach in.

Sha Zhixing shuddered at the sudden movement. She shrank back and bent down, trying to get out of his arms.

However, just as she made her move, Luo Xichen returned her with a haughty look.

"We haven't finished talking. Where are you going? " His eyes fell on her body, his hands caressing her soft skin. He asked even though he knew the answer.

Sha Zhixing glanced at his hand on her waist and rolled her eyes at him. "What are you doing with your hand? "

He was talking. What was he doing with his hand?

"massaging, " Luo Xichen said Lazily.

Sha Zhixing was speechless and pushed his hand away with one hand.

Luo Xichen looked unhappy and pushed her back to the SOFA