Chapter 925-preemptive strike

Sha Zhixing was slightly shocked by his action. She looked at his face and slowly looked down at Luo Xichen's body, which was pressing against her stomach.

His body was pressing against hers and he was very close to her. The feeling was very obvious.

Sha Zhixing looked Sullen as she carefully pushed him away.

What is he doing?

Luo Xichen did not care about her little action. He buried his head and was about to kiss her. Just as he leaned his face over, a familiar sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

The two people in the room were stunned by the sudden sound. Sha Zhixing was stunned. Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

"MOM IS HERE! " Sha Zhixing reminded him as she kicked him lightly with the tip of her foot.

Luo Xichen ignored her and continued to do his own thing.

Sha Zhixing was angry and anxious.

She was angry that he did not care about the situation at all?

She was anxious that Wen lan would be here soon.

On the other hand, Luo Xichen was calm and even a little engrossed.

Sha Zhixing was a little angry and gritted her teeth. She wanted to unscrew him right now.

However, her strength was obviously much weaker than his.

Sha Zhixing's neck kept shrinking, and she kept thinking as she avoided him.

The footsteps outside the corridor were getting closer and closer.

Finally, they disappeared outside the door.

Wen Lan's voice was immediately followed. "Xichen, Zhixing, let's go downstairs and eat! "

The familiar voice made Sha Zhixing's body Stiffen, and her nerves tensed up even more. She did not know if the door was locked, but she was afraid that Wen lan would push the door open without getting a response from the two of them.

On the other side, Luo Xichen heard it as if he did not hear it. He hugged her and kissed and touched her. He ate all the Tofu.

"Zhixing, are you in your room? " Wen Lan's voice sounded again from outside the door.

"Mom, we'll be out in a moment! " Sha Zhixing replied in a panic, afraid that she would push the door open in the next second.

Her tone was a little hurried, and there was even a hint of breathing.

Wen Lan was stunned outside the door.

She had already been there, so she reacted quickly to such things. She could probably guess what the two of them were doing. She smiled lightly and said, "then mom will go down first. Remember to come down later! "

Her voice was mixed with a hint of a smile. Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward.

She glanced at Luo Xichen and kicked him angrily.

Luo Xichen lazily rubbed the part that was slightly hurt from her kick and then gave her a look that said, "it's none of my business. ".

A look made Sha Zhixing even angrier. She raised her fist and wanted to punch Luo Xichen, but Luo Xichen took the initiative to push her back to the SOFA.

A move made Sha Zhixing lose all her confidence.

The raised fist hung down.

"Kiss me! " Luo Xichen's thin lips said lazily. He avoided her belly and pressed her down. His eyes were clearly warning her that if she did not kiss him, he would not let go of her.

Sha Zhixing inhaled and exhaled. She repeated it a few times and swallowed the grievance in her stomach. She put her arms around his neck and got up to kiss him on the lips.

She was afraid that he would not be satisfied. This time, she took the initiative to kiss him on the lips and a few other places. Her forehead, side of her face, neck... ...

Luo Xichen looked at her and smiled. He pressed her head against his chest and kissed her back as a reward.

Sha Zhixing was a little disgusted by his reward, but she did not say anything.

All she could think about was how to serve this spoiled Brat well so that they could go out and meet people.