Chapter 926-know your place!

Sha Zhixing felt embarrassed when she thought that Wen lan might have guessed what they were doing.

Luo Xichen enjoyed her obedient look. He patted her head, kissed her on the lips, put his arm around her shoulder, and walked out of the room with her.

When they came down, everyone from the Luo family was sitting in front of the meal, but they did not move. It looked like they were waiting for them.

Wen Lan looked past Luo Enqi at Sha Zhixing, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward. She elbowed Luo Xichen and pulled out a chair to sit beside Luo Rongci.

Luo Xichen followed her and sat on the other side.

The Luo family usually had a fixed seat when they ate. The Luo family had the highest seniority and took the main seat, followed by Luo Enqi and Wen Lan, then Luo Xichen's generation.

"Mom, don't wait next time, " Luo xichen suddenly said after he sat down.

The rest of the people at the dining table looked at him after he said that.

In fact, it was not necessary to guess what was holding them up. It would have been fine if Luo Xichen did not say anything, but if he said it out loud, it would be as if he had nothing to hide. The rest of the people were sure of their guess.

"Behave Yourself! " Grandfather Luo said calmly, afraid that Luo xichen would not know his limits.

Sha Zhixing was still pregnant with the golden grandson of the Luo family. Grandfather Luo was always thinking of her.

Sha Zhixing's face turned red immediately after that.

Can't we not talk about this?

Luo RONGCI turned his head slightly and looked at her quietly, his cold eyes dimmed.

Luo Xichen looked past Sha Zhixing and caught a glimpse of him. He was stunned for a moment and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He owed a lot to Rong Ci, but he had never included Sha Zhixing.

For Luo Xichen, feelings did not distinguish between these things.

Love was a matter between two people. Apart from each other, it had nothing to do with anyone else.

If Zhixing Liked Rong CI, Luo Xichen would not force her, but there was no "if" for what was already a fact.

As for what he owed, Luo Xichen would think of his own way to make up for it, but no matter what, he would not be involved with Zhixing again.

Luo Xichen and Luo Rongci were both a little depressed over dinner.

They did not notice the two people beside them. One moment, Luo Yi was putting food into Sha Zhixing's mouth, and the next moment, it was Wen lan. Her stomach was a little full.

After dinner, she went back to the master bedroom and stretched her body on the Sofa for a while. She still had not digested the food, so she turned around and went for a walk in the garden.

Luo Xichen was in Luo Enqi's room. The father and son seemed to be discussing something. Sha Zhixing wanted to accompany Luo Xichen, but Luo Enqi was afraid that she would be too concerned about the company, so he only called Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing walked in the garden alone. After taking a walk, she went to the back garden to play with Bei Bei.

Bei Bei was a Tibetan mastiff. He had stayed in the Luo family for a few years and was considered a member of the Luo family. He had become very familiar with Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen ever since he came.

Sha Zhixing walked over and twisted its two front legs, trying to get it to dance.

Bei Bei seemed to dislike what she had asked it to do. With a flick of his head in her arms, he ran towards the path ahead.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she immediately chased after him.

With the baby, she did not dare to walk too fast, but she walked in a hurry. She had only taken a few steps when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her