Chapter 943 will help you vent your anger

Sha Zhixing walked out of the design department. As she walked, she recalled a sentence that she had captured at the chaotic scene.


Did this mean that the people in the design department were all from he SIMU's gang?

Since when did Rong Xi start forming gangs?

Actually, Sha Zhixing did not believe that the people who were now on her side had much loyalty. Most likely, it was because she was the one sitting in the position of Young Madam Rong Xi?

When they returned to the office, Mo Yichen and Mo Ningyu suddenly came.

Mo Yichen had seen he simu when he picked up Luo Xichen last night. He did not understand what had happened yesterday and came here today to understand the situation.

Although he could not like Sha Zhixing, he could not allow Luo Xichen to do anything that would let her down.

Mo Ningyu had also insisted on coming with Mo Yichen after she heard that Mo Yichen was coming.

When Sha Zhixing came in, she was still a little angry. She frowned slightly as if she had been provoked by someone.

"I'll go look for him! " Mo Yichen thought that Luo Xichen had provoked her. He stood up and was about to walk out of the House.

"Look for who? " Sha Zhixing grabbed his arm and asked in confusion.

"Who else besides Luo Xichen? " Mo Yichen looked annoyed.

"Why are you looking for Xichen? " Sha Zhixing looked suspicious.

Mo Yichen was stunned. He and Mo Ningyu looked at each other in confusion.

Mo Yichen put his arm on her shoulder and said righteously, "sister Zhixing, who provoked you? Tell me, I'll help you vent your anger. "

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly.

Was Her displeasure so obvious Would it make people feel like they had been provoked the moment they saw it?

Just as she was about to explain, Mo Yichen suddenly asked himself, "is it still that he simu from last night? "

The sudden question stunned Sha Zhixing and Mo Ningyu at the same time, and their eyes fell on his face.

Sha Zhixing was surprised that he could suddenly think of He Simu, and Mo Ningyu was surprised that he simu had done something.

Mo Yichen was actually guessing based on what had happened last night. Although he did not know what exactly had happened, it was already the middle of the night, and that woman was still with Luo Xichen. Sha Zhixing must be feeling bad, right?

Mo Ningyu quietly observed Sha Zhixing's expression after Mo Yichen's words. She found that she was just in a daze and did not refute him. She guessed that Mo Yichen must have guessed correctly for her to be like this.. She lifted the Hem of her skirt and stepped on her stilettos as she walked in the direction of the design department.

A sentence came from behind her. "I'll help you meet her! "

Mo Ningyu's image in the past was that of a typical socialite lady. She would never make a scene outside. She had even learned how to walk with a special etiquette class.

But now, after being infected by Jue Ye's group for so long, her personality had become much livelier. In Mo Yichen's eyes, she had become much cuter.

Mo Yichen was afraid that something would happen to her, so he turned to Sha Zhixing. "Do you want to go with me? "

"You just go and protect Ningyu, " Sha Zhixing replied faintly, as if she had no intention of going.

Mo Yichen was still thinking about Mo Ningyu, so he did not have the time to ask further. He left in a hurry.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at his disappearing figure. Her Red Lips curved upwards without a trace.

This was something they wanted to go to, it had nothing to do with her.

"Miss Sha, pay attention to your smile. " Shi Qinuo walked over from his office. The moment he saw this scene, the corner of his lips twitched slightly.

Not Bad, he was getting more and more the essence of his black belly.