Chapter 944, production of absolute night, a black-bellied guarantee

Hearing his voice, Sha Zhixing's smile disappeared, and her face immediately changed into a serious expression.

"Master, you saw wrong. I didn't do anything. "

Shi Qinuo rolled his eyes at her, a look of disdain on his face.

Sha Zhixing knew that her thoughts were as transparent as glass in front of him, so she couldn't be bothered to pretend. She smiled and asked, "do you want to watch a show? Let's go together. "

Shi Qinuo was a big idler of Rong Xi. Although he didn't like to meddle in other people's business, it was rare to see such a lively scene today. If there was a show, why not watch it?

After exchanging a glance with Sha Zhixing, the two of them headed towards the design department one after the other.

Mo Ningyu walked at the front and was the first to arrive at the design department.

When she arrived, there were many people in the large office. They were all gathered in the middle of he simu. They were all talking about something and it was very lively.

Mo Ningyu did not ask anything. She locked her eyes on he simu who was standing high up in the middle of the crowd. She walked over in a few steps and turned around without caring about anything. She used all her strength to slap he SIMU's face.

"Was it you who was in my boyfriend's bed yesterday? Why did you have to be such a cheap person instead of being a good person? ! "

She hit him very hard and even scolded him. The entire room fell silent after she slapped him. Everyone looked at her in surprise, and when they looked at he simu, their eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Since when did the usually cold and aloof director he climb into someone else's man's bed?

The office was dead silent for a few seconds. Then, it suddenly exploded into a commotion, and discussions broke out.

"Is this true? Director he is in love with young Master Luo, isn't he? "

"Yes, how did he get involved with Miss Mo again? "

"Did he get hurt and change his target? "

He Simu had been hurt by Luo Xichen's incident last night, and now she was slapped by Mo Ningyu for no reason, and the anger in her chest suddenly rose.

As a member of a famous family in C city, she and Mo Ningyu had met each other before, but they were not familiar with each other.

Both families had strong backgrounds, and HE SIMU had nothing to fear from her. She covered her face with her hand and retaliated without holding back. "Miss Mo, this is Rong Xi. If you want to make a scene, go back to your Mo family... "

Before she could say the word "go, " she was slapped again on the face. This time, Mo Ningyu used even more force. "You still have a reason to follow someone else to snatch a man? "

Her face was full of anger. It felt as if she had really been snatched as a man. Sha Zhixing, who was following behind her, was dumbfounded.

Mo Ningyu did not have a boyfriend. She had interacted with the siblings so many times, and Sha Zhixing was very sure of this.

So, her actions now were purely an excuse to prank someone?

Sha Zhixing looked at her quietly, the corners of her lips curling up slightly.

The current her was not like the previous her at all. As expected, after hanging out with the people of Jue ye for so long, she had become a black-bellied person.

He Simu had been slapped twice in front of so many people. When had she ever suffered such grievance?

A hand grabbed her wrist, wanting to retaliate. However, when she saw so many pairs of eyes around her, she held back her impulse.

The people in the large office looked at her with unusual surprise and doubt in their eyes.

It was obvious that many people believed Mo Ningyu's words.

Her image had also been overturned today.

He SIMU's face was as red as a pig's liver. She took a few deep breaths and raised her head proudly. Her gaze drifted towards Mo Ningyu and her voice was cold "Miss Mo, do you know that your actions today have already constituted the crime of harming others? I can sue you! "

"If you can sue the MO family, then go ahead and sue them! " Mo Ningyu was very disdainful of her words and her face was full of arrogance.