Chapter 945: Professional Black Men

WHO IN C city didn't know what kind of family the MO family was?

The family business was huge, both black and white. Mo Ningyu was the only daughter in the family, and she had always been in the palm of their hands since she was young.

It was just two slaps. Mo Ningyu didn't believe that she could be punished!

Even the he family had a strong background. If she was invited to the police station for tea, the most likely outcome would be that the people in the station would put in a good word and persuade her to settle the matter privately.

Mo Ningyu had already thought about the possible consequences of doing this on the way from Sha Zhixing's office, so she was not afraid at all.

Mo Yichen had never seen her so valiant. He was dumbfounded and his eyes were wide open.

Although she was a little fierce, why did she look so pleasing to the eye?

The corners of Mo Yichen's lips curled up slightly and he smiled faintly.

Mo Ningyu glanced at the few people who had all followed her and walked to Mo Yichen's side with a smile. She grabbed the excuse that she had just made up and started to complain "brother, are we just going to let the matter of my boyfriend go? It wasn't easy for me to fall in love with someone, and we've been dating for so long. If it wasn't for the sudden intrusion of someone, we would still be fine now! "

Her tone was full of grievance. When she said the last part of her sentence, her voice even sounded like she was crying. It was as if this had really happened, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Her expression and the tone of her performance made the people who had doubted her earlier believe her.

Everyone in the design department looked at he simu in surprise.

Second Miss he had really done such a thing?

Many people looked at Mo Ningyu sympathetically.

Mo Ningyu was no stranger to Rong Xi. Many people knew that she had a crush on Luo Xichen for many years. Now that she had finally let it go and had a boyfriend, many people thought that it was not easy But a third party had interfered. How pitiful.

Mo Ningyu quietly observed the expressions of the people around her. She looked at Sha Zhixing with a smug look on her face.

Sha Zhixing stood beside Shi Qinuo. She exchanged glances with her and only smiled faintly.

She had not expected Mo Ningyu to suddenly become so valiant. Today's move was truly extraordinary.

Not only had she made he simu suffer, but she had also directly ruined her image in Rong Xi.

She had thought of killing two birds with one stone!

He simu's gaze passed through the crowd and caught a glimpse of her who had appeared out of nowhere. She then looked at Mo Ningyu, and her expression darkened.

Why was she here?

Was it a coincidence or... ... was she using someone else to kill him ? ?

Mo Ningyu had already achieved her goal. Now that she was looking at him, she was afraid that she would implicate Sha Zhixing. She held onto Mo Yichen's arm and buried her head in his embrace. She pushed him out while cursing, "brother, let's go find that heartless man and settle the score! "

Her words before she left deepened the credibility of her lie.

After messing up the design department, she pushed Mo Yichen away.

After that, the rest of the people in the office all looked at he simu.

He simu's face instantly darkened.

"This has nothing to do with me! " After she said that, her expression suddenly turned serious. "Go and do your own thing! "

As soon as she said that, Sha Zhixing suddenly said, "master, I'll go and see Ning Yu. What if she doesn't want to let things go? "

This sentence was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

The people present were just about to believe he simu's heart when they started to lean towards Mo Ningyu.