Chapter 966: The Little Prince of Rong Xi

Ji Nanyou liked little girls very much. He had won half of the previous bet. After the baby was born, he loved to hold her in his arms like his own daughter. He pinched her here and there, looking at the baby with doting eyes.

The baby was also very attractive. She had a sweet mouth and a tender face. People couldn't help but want to bite her. She was a real Barbie doll. Her voice was unique to children, making people want to dote on her from the bottom of their hearts.

This was the little princess of the Luo family, Luo Xingbao. Before she was born, she had enjoyed the same doting as her mother. Luo Xichen held two treasures in his hands: Zhixing and the baby.

As for the other baby, he did not expect that there would be an extra boy in the nursery. He had not bought anything for his son.

Fortunately, the children of the Luo family never lacked people to dote on them. Before they were born, Wen lan and Luo Enqi, an Xin and Sha Nanfeng, and a large group of people from Jue Ye had all bought a mountain of the baby's things.

This group of people directly proved that even if there was an extra child, there was still no lack of love.

For example, at this moment, when the baby was being fought over by a large group of people, the "extra" child was surrounded by a large group of people.

"Noah, try this! " Mu Siyan squatted beside the child and handed him a small handgun.

Noah took the gun from him and turned his hand. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at an apple on a tree not far away. He pulled the trigger, and after a bang, the red fruit fell to the ground with a thud.

His movements were very light. It felt like a child of the same age playing with a water pistol. However, when the gun in his hand was fired, the smell of gunpowder spread out.

This was a real gun. Mu Siyan had given it to him when he was three years old, and he had personally taught him how to learn these basic defensive skills.

The young master of the Luo family had never cared about things like toy guns. He only played with real guns. When he turned three years old, he had started to play with them. He had not learned for long, but now he could grasp them as skillfully as a child playing with a water pistol.

Noah's iq was much higher than the average child. He could learn things taught by adults very quickly. His reaction speed was extraordinary, and his ability to accept things was very strong.

Mu Siyan had the intention to teach him these things. As the second generation of absolute night, he should learn the most basic self-defense techniques.

Qing Yafeng also liked noah very much. He would often teach him together with Mu Siyan. He started to teach him when he was three years old.

When the adults were not present, they would not let him come into contact with any dangerous things. They also protected him very well when they taught him. Dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at him. There was no need to worry about his safety.

"Noah, this is itching powder. Do you know how to play with it? " Qing Yafeng put the gun aside and placed a small bag of things in front of him.

"third uncle, try it? ''Noahh took the things in his hands and a smile appeared on his small face.Hee took the bag of medicine in his childish voice and was about to try it onQinggYafengg.

Qing Yafeng frowned slightly and held his small wrist with one hand.

"Aren't you going to Rong Xi later? Good things should be used in a more meaningful place. Understand, LITTLE BRAT? " Qing Yafeng picked him up, touched his head, and stuffed the powder bag in his hand into his small pocket.

Noah's big eyes rolled around for a moment, and he seemed to have thought of something. He looked at him and smiled, then nodded slightly.

���� Digression

The new article would be released around the beginning of November. As for the specific situation, everyone should pay attention to the recent content in the following article. Seven would explain it in the article.