Chapter 965 two little black bellies

The baby's beautiful eyes were wide open as she looked at him. She called out to him in a childish voice, "Willow, tree? "

"No, no, let's do it again. Be Good. " Ken Nisi rubbed her little head and corrected her again. "sixth uncle, six, seven, eight, six, uncle's uncle. "

The baby's lips curled up. She blinked her big eyes and imitated his tone. Her voice was filled with the child's thick milk-like voice and was full of cuteness. "Willow's willow, tree's tree. "

This time, her words were unusually clear, and even her speech was very coherent.

Ken Nisi's face suddenly changed. He raised his eyebrows and asked seriously, "baby, you did it on purpose, didn't you? "

The baby looked up at him with her small face, smiling so much that her eyes were curved. Her smile was very pure, and her expression was as innocent as possible.

Ken Nisi stared at her small face and felt a little defeated by her.

Forget it, willow tree it is. As long as she is happy, she can call it whatever she wants!

"Willow tree, this is for you! " The baby raised her small, white arm and extended her fist-shaped hand under Ken Nisi's eyes.

"So obedient? You even know to bring a gift for sixth uncle when you're here. " Ken Nisi was amused by her small appearance. His hand gently held her hand and rubbed against her handsome face for a while. His heart melted in her soft baby voice.

The baby looked at him with curved eyes. Her beautiful big eyes blinked a few times. The hand that was clenched into a fist suddenly opened. A burst of white powder sprinkled down and pounced straight at Ken Nisi's face.

Ken Nisi was still immersed in her thoughtful behavior, so he was caught off guard. The white powder pounced on his eyes, choking him until tears flowed out.

Next to him was the baby's giggle. "This was just developed by my brother. Sixth uncle was the first to experiment. He made it with Chili powder. "

As she spoke, she lifted her small Chin slightly. There was a little pride on her face. It was as if she was saying, "look, we like you so much! "

All the people from Jue ye looked over, and when they saw Ken Nisi's sorry state, they burst into laughter.

Ji Nanyou took the baby and held it in his arms. He even patted her little head as a reward. "Well done, baby! "

Ken Nisi was in tears.

How many times had he been played by these two little brats?

The baby was four years old this year. She was almost there, but she was still not full. Just like her brother, she spent most of her time in the places where she was born: The castle at home, the Luo family's grandparents'place, jue Ye's place, and Rong Xi's place.

No matter where she went, she was able to get to know the people in the four places very well. She was able to build a good relationship at such a young age and knew more people than her biological father, Young Master Shao.

She looked like Sha Zhixing and only had a vague image of Luo Xichen. She did not look like him at all. She smiled at everyone she met, unlike young Master Shao, who always had a cool face.

Such a child was very likable. Almost everyone who had met her liked her, even though they knew that her smile might be hiding her evil intentions.

A child who was not even four years old could be forgiven for anything.

Many people in Jue Ye had been pranked by her, but no one would care.

If she was really obedient, she would not be like the daughter of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing.

She had been black-bellied since she was young. That was good.

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