Chapter 964: The Little Princess of the Luo family

Four years later.

Jue Ye was especially lively this morning. The reason could be attributed to the sudden visit of the Young Madam of the Luo family and the pair of clowns from the Luo family who had been surrounded by a large group of people ever since they appeared.

"Baby, I'm fifth uncle. Be Good and call me fifth uncle. I'll go and help you wring Qiu Qiu from next door to play with him later. "

"Baby, I'm sixth uncle. Long time no see. Did you miss me? "

"Baby, be good. Ignore that group of people. Come and give Auntie Hai Yue a hug! "

Who was the most favored person in Jue Ye's current life If this question was brought up, there was no doubt that a name would appear in everyone's mind -- Baby.

Who was the baby?

The nickname of the little princess of the Luo family was Xing Bao. Back then, second young Master Shao had personally given it to her. The nickname was given to her by her family members after the baby was born.

Old Master Luo doted on his great-grandson and despised this name. A group of people called her "Baby" and "baby" all day long. It was not a big deal now that the child was still young. If she were to grow up and be called so intimately by another man, how much would his little princess suffer?

Unlike him, Sha Zhixing liked the name very much.

The baby was so watery, so sweet, so affectionate, and so lovely. It was just that hearing the name made people feel as if they had eaten cotton candy.

It matched her baby's image very well, didn't it?

The main reason was that the little princess's name was given by Luo Xichen, and Sha Zhixing liked it very much.

Jue Ye had a gambling game that shocked everyone earlier on. Most of the people had bet that Sha Zhixing's child would be a boy, and only a few girls had gambled, even under such circumstances Only second young Master Shao stubbornly insisted that it would be a girl. He was deeply rooted and had never wavered.

Even the children's toys and baby clothes at home were all prepared. They were all bought by girls, and their names had been thought out in advance. However, the result was a man and a woman each.

This shocked everyone in Jue Ye. At that time, the gambling game was quite big. Ken Nisi had even taken out all his belongings to gamble, but the result was this.

Thinking of that gambling game, Ken Nisi still did not feel good.

"Willow... willow... " suddenly, a childish voice sounded ...

It was a very sweet voice, like sugar, making people's hearts soften.

But, what was it called?

Ken Nisi touched his nose, looked down with a sour expression, and his gaze fell on the face of the little girl next to him.

The one who hugged his thigh was a very young child, about three or four years old. Her face was as delicate as the Barbie dolls displayed in the window. Her eyes were very clear, without a trace of impurities, and her eyes were pitch-black like the best black pearls When she smiled, her eyes were curved into a crescent shape. She looked like a small version of Sha Zhixing.

The little girl was wearing a yellow dress. It was a very warm color, just like the smile on her face. It made people feel as if the entire world was bright.

Her name was Xing Bao. She had already been doted on by thousands of people before she was even born. She was even doted on by her father to the point that she even ignored her brother, who was in the womb with her.

After she was born, she was also doted on by all sorts of people. The Luo family, Jue Ye, and Rong Xi were always in the hands of others wherever they went. Just like her name, she was the well-deserved Princess of the Luo family, the treasure that everyone held in their hands.

Ken Nisi looked at her quietly, bent down and carefully carried her up. Ken Nisi corrected her pronunciation, "baby, it's uncle Liu. "