Chapter 968 like mother, like son

The baby's voice was very strong, very tender, and very sweet. Just listening to it made people very happy.

Sha Zhixing's heart was sweetened by her crisp "Mommy" call.

Looking at her small face, the corners of her lips curled up. She wanted to walk over, but the baby's small figure flew over and hugged her.

If it was the people that baby and Noah liked the most in this world, Sha Zhixing would undoubtedly be the first. The two children were very attached to her, and they were very protective of her. If anyone provoked her, the brother and sister would find ways to torture her.

Baby and Noah did not have many preferences. They liked what Sha Zhixing liked, but they did not like what Sha Zhixing did not like.

Naturally, they also liked those who liked Sha Zhixing.

"Baby, get ready. We're going back to Rong Xi. " Sha Zhixing bent down and picked her up. She helped her wipe the drool from the corner of her lips and carried her in Noah's direction.

Noah was still learning from Mu Siyan and Qing Yafeng. The things the two of them taught him were mostly practical skills, but they also taught him some pranks from time to time.

For example, the bag of white powder that Qing Yafeng had given him today.

Noah was like a treasure. He held it and looked at it again and again until he got into the car. As he looked at it, he thought about who he should try it on later.

"Mommy, will Jin Rongxi see Uncle Shi today? " The baby's small body lay on Sha Zhixing's body as he raised his little face and asked with a smile.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at her and patted her little head lightly. "Do you only think about Uncle Qi Nuo? "

"What? The baby still thinks about GRANDPA and grandma. " The Baby Chuckled and corrected his words. His body slipped into her arms, and he was sweet and affectionate with her.

Sha Zhixing was very disdainful of her words. She snorted lightly and pinched her face.

The baby liked Shi Qinuo. He liked him since he was born, and he had a lot of contact with him. He liked him as much as his family.

The main reason was that Shi Qinuo was very good to the two children. He treated the two of them as if they were his own, and he would visit the baby and Noah from time to time.

The two children were strange. They were still very young, but they seemed to be able to see clearly what was good and bad for them.

They also had their own personalities. As long as they did not like someone, no matter how much they tried to please them, their impression of them would not change at all.

The driver drove Sha Zhixing and the two children and stopped at the foot of Rong Xi's building.

After getting out of the car first, the driver opened the door for the three people in the back seat respectfully. "Young Madam, Young Master, Young Miss, the company has arrived! "

Noah popped his little head out of the car excitedly. He looked at the high floor, got out of the car, and pulled the baby as he ran inside.

Sha Zhixing was not worried that the two children would fall or hit someone. She slowly followed behind, her eyes locked on the two small figures in front of her. Her expression was very calm.

She was very relieved about such a small problem. Even if it really happened, she believed that Noah and the baby could solve it on their own.

The three of them entered the building. Noah held the bag of medicine given by Qing Yafeng in his hand. He was playing with it excitedly with his head lowered as he hopped around the building.

When they reached Sha Zhixing's office floor, they bumped into a person.

Raising his head, he stared at the person with his obsidian-like eyes. The corners of Noah's lips curled up without a trace