Chapter 969 the little devil of the Luo family

Noah lowered his head and suddenly apologized in a childish voice, "I'm sorry, Auntie. I didn't mean to do that! "

Noah's attitude was quite upright, and the child's voice was very childish. It was difficult to get angry.

He simu stared at Noah's small head for a long time, and her eyes fell on his face quietly.

This was the child of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing. The blood of the two flowed in his body, and he simu should have hated him.

However, seeing Noah's face, which looked like a miniature version of Luo Xichen's, she could not get angry at him.

Both of Luo Xichen's children were very beautiful. They were the type that people liked at first sight. Usually, they would come to Rong Xi with Sha Zhixing and the rest of the Luo family. He Simu was very familiar with the two of them.

She stared at Noah quietly for a long time. She forced a smile and said, "it's okay. "

Noah suddenly raised his head after she said that. He smiled and suddenly waved at her. He called her sweetly, "Auntie... "

"What's wrong? " He simu did not understand.

She did not like Sha Zhixing. She could not tell how she felt about this child. Sometimes, she did not like him very much, but when she looked at his face, she could not hate him.

Noah compared the height of the two of them and gestured for her to squat down.

He simu was very confused, but she still did as he asked.

"Auntie, your makeup is off. Let me help you fix it. " Noah's gaze fixed on her face that was on par with his. The corners of his lips curled up slightly. His little hand suddenly raised, and then, he let go


A bag of white powder fell like raindrops, and all of it pounced on HE SIMU'S FACE!

When he did this, his hand was covering his face. After he was done, his body pounced on the baby. Firstly, it was to help her block it, and secondly, it was to carry her and push her away. The powder was not contaminated by either of them.

His series of movements and reactions were very fast. Mu Siyan and Qing Yafeng had trained him. The medicine was even more vicious than the bag the baby had previously used. It could at least disfigure a person for more than a week.

He simu did not expect him to make her squat for this. She felt like she was being played with. She could not believe that she was being played with by a child!

She reached out and wanted to grab the two of them, but noah jumped away with the baby in his arms.

"brother, this person is so fierce. I'M SO SCARED! " The baby's short arms hugged noah, and her sweet voice sounded pitiful.

He simu was so angry that her body trembled after hearing her words.


These two kids dared to say that they were scared when they were playing with people?

She moved her feet and wanted to continue grabbing the two of them when she suddenly felt a prickling and itchy sensation on her face.

She did not know what was going on. He simu's footsteps stopped and her hand scratched her face twice. However, the more she scratched, the more itchy it became.

After a while, a few five-finger marks appeared on her face and her skin began to swell up.

"Noah, what on Earth did you sprinkle on me? " He simu growled at Noah in a low voice and the veins on her forehead started to bulge.

She wanted to pinch him, but a deep voice suddenly sounded, "What's wrong? "

The sudden voice stunned the three people at the scene.

Noah and the baby looked at each other and pounced into the arms of the person.

"GRANDPA! " Luo Enqi called sweetly. He turned his head and looked at he simu in unison. His voice was timid, "this Auntie can be fierce, I'm afraid. "

A typical villain would complain first!