Chapter 955: the Absolute Night Group

Sha Zhixing smiled and did not refuse.

This was the first time they had returned to this place since they had stayed in the Luo family.

For both Luo Xichen and her family, he only recognized this place and the villa of the absolute night group.

Both places meant a lot to the two of them.

This was the home that he had prepared for them after their marriage, so it was a special feeling for both Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing to return to this place.

Sha Zhixing nestled in his arms and let him carry her up the stairs. She put her arms around his neck and asked with a smile, "why didn't you tell me about this before you decided to come back? "

"Do I need to tell you when I'm going home? " Luo Xichen asked faintly.

"everyone was surprised by you tonight, " Sha Zhixing said.

"Isn't it only a matter of time before I come back? " Luo Xichen looked down at her, his tone still indifferent.

Sha Zhixing thought about it and agreed with him.

Although he was a little too sudden today, there were so many people living together in the Luo family and they were already married. It was only a matter of time for people like Luo Xichen to live separately.

However, no matter how Sha Zhixing thought about it, she still felt that his behavior today was a little strange.

However, Luo Xichen did not say anything and she did not continue to ask the question.

He should have his own reason, right?

Luo Xichen carried her upstairs and went to the master bedroom of the two of them. He looked down at her quietly in his arms. His gaze lingered on her stomach for a few more seconds, and his thin lips moved slightly "Zhixing, from tomorrow onwards, I will arrange for a few people from jue ye to stay nearby. If you need anything in the future, please don't hesitate to trouble them. "

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised. She looked up in surprise. "Why are you suddenly so considerate? "

"Isn't it always like this? " Luo xichen smiled and teased lightly.

He was joking with her, but he was right.

In fact, when she had just moved in here, the members of the Hai family had been sent back by him on purpose.

The Hai family had a house in the vicinity, but they rarely stayed here. They usually stayed overnight or returned to their own families.

When Sha Zhixing first came, Luo Xichen was afraid that she would be bored, so he called Hai Yue, Hai Luo, and Hai Ao over. The three of them would come to the castle to accompany her from time to time, relieving her of her boredom.

Luo Xichen had actually arranged this on purpose, but he had never told her about it, and Sha Zhixing did not know either.

There had been several accidents, and the baby had almost had problems after that. Luo Xichen was worried about her, so he decided that he should arrange more people to stay here.

He had always been efficient in his work. The next day, Ken Nisi and Ji Nanyou were called over early in the morning before they even woke up. They were still sleepy when they appeared in the castle.

There were a lot of bodyguards in the castle. The huge team that had been evacuated after Sha Zhixing had moved in had all returned to their original positions. A long row of doors led directly into the castle. It was very impressive.

Walking in the castle felt like walking into a royal palace.

Ken Nisi and Ji Nanyou came together. They were the first to arrive. They sat on the dining table with their legs crossed on the left and right. They were fighting for the breakfast that Sha Zhixing had prepared for Luo Xichen without blushing or panting.

Sha Zhixing did not know that the two of them would be here so early. She only prepared two portions for herself and Luo Xichen.

Ken Nisi and Ji Nanyou were both more conscientious. They followed the principle of a pregnant woman and only snatched Luo Xichen's breakfast. Luo Xichen's breakfast was left for her.