Chapter 956: Be careful of your image in front of my daughter

Luo Xichen's face darkened when he saw the two men robbing his breakfast as if they were bandits.

"Ken Nisi, be careful of your image in front of my daughter! " Luo xichen kicked the table and chair next to Ken Nisi as he walked downstairs.


Ken Nisi choked on his milk and started coughing while supporting Ji Nanyou.

"Look at you. You look like this even after breakfast. " Ji Nanyou patted him on the shoulder, looking very calm.

Sha Zhixing walked out of the kitchen and glanced at Ken Nisi, who was lying on the floor beside Meng Ke. She asked suspiciously, "what's wrong with him? "

"The breakfast you made was too delicious, Zhixing. I grabbed it too quickly and choked, " Ji Nanyou replied with incomparable calmness.

Sha Zhixing,"..."

Ken Nisi kept coughing for quite a while. His gaze turned to Sha Zhixing, and there was a bit of innocence in his eyes. "Sister Zhixing, could you please pour a glass of water... cough... cough cough... "

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a while. She went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water for him.

Ken Nisi cleared his throat. His expression finally relaxed after drinking a large glass of water.

He handed the glass to Sha Zhixing. He glanced at her still unblemished belly and turned to Luo Xichen, who had been watching the show. "daughter? You know? "

"I don't know, " Luo Xichen replied calmly. Then, he added coldly, "if I say so! "

Ken Nisi was speechless. He rubbed his nose and continued to drink the milk with his head down.

Poor Little Guy. He hadn't even been born yet and his father had already taken care of him.

Ji Nanyou liked girls. Just like Luo Xichen, he felt like he had found an ally when he heard what Luo Xichen said. For the first time, he felt close to him.

Luo Xichen wanted to put his arm around his shoulder and sit down with him. However, Luo Xichen glanced at him coldly and glared at Ji Nanyou until he retracted his arm.

He pursed his lips and wanted to continue eating the last piece of toast. However, Luo Xichen suddenly reached out and snatched the breakfast from his hand. He took Sha Zhixing's arm and found a seat beside him.

After taking a SIP, he turned his head and looked at the empty plate that had been taken care of by the two of them. He said slowly, "whoever takes care of it will be responsible for making it up. "

Ken Nisi finished the rest of the milk in one gulp and pushed the Empty Cup to Ji Nanyou. He smiled at him and said, "Nanyou, I'll leave it to you. "

"GET LOST! " Ji Nanyou gave him a word with a cold face. He stood up and walked a few steps to sit down on the other side of Sha Zhixing. Then, he started to chat with the baby in her belly. "Baby, I'm fifth uncle. Long time no see. Did you miss me? "

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched as she looked at him strangely.

Why did he look like Luo Xichen?

Ji Nanyou ignored her and continued to communicate with the baby. "Baby, you have to come out properly. Everyone is waiting to meet you. "

Sha Zhixing's expression froze when she heard his sudden words. She suddenly felt a little sad when she thought of the miscarriage last time.

Yes, everyone was waiting for the baby to come out. But, what would happen next?

There had been too many things happening recently, and there were a lot of problems. If something happened to her and Rong Xi, Sha Zhixing's future would suddenly be a little bleak.

She lowered her gaze and quietly glanced at her stomach. Sha Zhixing gently caressed it.

No matter what, she would definitely take good care of this child... ...