Chapter 974, the plan to find a father

The man was slightly stunned. He stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and squatted down in front of the two children. "Young Master, Young Lady, what's the matter? "

Noah and the baby had the tacit understanding of twins. The two of them could get close to each other many times. They glanced at the man and dragged him out.

Luo Enqi was left in the room.

Looking at the two figures walking to the corner, Luo Enqi's lips twitched in amusement. "What's wrong? Don't you want Grandpa to hear? "

Noah and the baby held the person's hand on both sides and walked to the corner. They looked in Luo Enqi's direction, and after making sure that there was no one around, Noah spoke first. "uncle, can GRANDPA report this? "

"Yes! " The editor-in-chief saw that the two children were very cute, and his smile was kind.

Noah and the baby looked at each other, and then asked, "then uncle, can you help us with something? "

"What kind of help do the young master and young miss want me to help them with? " The editor-in-chief squatted down and asked with a smile.

"wait, " Noah said casually and ran downstairs.

He went back to Sha Zhixing's office and found a photo of Luo Xichen in her bag. Then, he found another photo for himself and the baby and returned to the man with three photos.

Noah handed the photo to the man and said in a childish voice, "uncle, we would like you to help us get daddy and our photos to be published! "

The man was stunned for a moment and fixed his eyes on the photo. He did not understand what Noah meant.

Of the three pictures, the baby was similar to Noah's two. The two of them were holding a pig and a rabbit, smiling sweetly, beautiful and cute. Luo Xichen's picture was taken casually by him and Sha Zhixing earlier.

The combination of the three extremely beautiful pictures made people feel warm no matter how they looked at it.

Noah gestured for him to squat down and explained patiently, "We want to find daddy through the pictures. CAN UNCLE help us? "

The baby had come up with a plan. "Uncle, just help us publish these three pictures in the newspaper and let everyone see them. "

The big eyes rolled and the corners of his lips curved. He added, "also, help us send a few words to Daddy. Tell him that if he doesn't show up in half a month, brother and I will help mommy find another husband! "

The chief editor,"..."

The baby blinked his big eyes and smiled innocently.

The Chief Editor's lips twitched a few times and he did not recover for a long time.

What was this child saying?

"Uncle, please help us! " The baby pulled one of his arms and shook it. His cute voice made it difficult to refuse.

The editor-in-chief was in a difficult position.

If second young master Shao was still around and heard the news, would he just shoot him when he came back?

Although the two little guys'intention was to find him, weren't they brazenly setting up a blind date for the young lady of the Luo family?

The editor-in-chief was very melancholic. He did not know whether to nod or shake his head.

Seeing that he did not agree for a long time, Noah suddenly said coldly, "if uncle doesn't help us with this matter, will you still accept uncle's interview next time? "

The chief editor was in tears.

This child's words hit him where it hurt the most.

If he published it, he might offend second young Master Shao, but if he did not publish it, he would directly offend Luo Enqi. And looking at how Luo Enqi was holding the two of them in his hands, afraid that they would melt, perhaps he would not allow him to publish any reports about Rong Xi in the future?