Chapter 975 Daddy is as handsome as me

Noah observed the look on the editor's face and knew that he and the baby's request had succeeded by half. He did not care whether the editor agreed or not. The two stood side by side and bowed respectfully to the editor. "thank you, uncle. "

The editor-in-chief was speechless.

The editor-in-chief bowed and smiled. What reason did he have to reject the two young children?

"Alright, uncle will help you. Be Good. " The editor-in-chief patted the heads of the two children and left Rong Xi.

The newspaper came out early the next morning. The family of three was put together, and the baby and Noah were standing on both sides of Luo Xichen. The scene made many people drunk.

What beautiful children, and a pair of them at that. It would be great if I could have one!

Sha Zhixing was quite touched when she first saw the newspaper. The two children were so young, and they actually thought of such a move for Luo Xichen. It was so sweet of them.

However, when she saw the words in the appendix under the photo, her expression immediately changed.

There was a sentence written clearly under the photo: Daddy, if you don't show up in half a month, we'll have to help mommy find a bride

The tone was that of a child. The content might not be the child's original words, but it was about the same.

"Baby, Noah, get down here! " A loud roar came from the castle early in the morning. Shazhi Xing, who had never lost her temper in front of the child, went into a rage.

Weren't they causing trouble for her?

Luo Xichen had been away for so long. How could he come back just like that? When he didn't come back, he wouldn't even mention it. He had even caused her a pile of rotten peach blossoms!

In the bedroom upstairs.

Noah was lying on the huge SOFA. His short legs were crossed and he had a lollipop in his mouth. He looked very relaxed.

The baby was lying side by side with him. He was flipping through thick stacks of photos with a very relaxed expression on his face.

Sha Zhixing's voice was very loud downstairs. Both of them heard it, but no one paid any attention to it.

The baby took the photo and looked at it a few times. He picked up a photo of Luo Xichen and walked up to Noah. He smiled and asked, "brother, who do you think is more handsome, daddy or Uncle Qino? "

Noah choked on her words. He looked at her indifferently and said, "of course it's Daddy. "

"Why? " The baby asked again.

Noah pointed at Luo Xichen's face in the photo. He raised his Chin coldly and said slowly, "look, daddy looks so much like me! "

The baby was speechless. He grabbed two grapes from the fruit plate beside him and stuffed them into his little mouth. Then, he continued to look at his own photos.

She actually liked Luo xichen very much. The reason was very simple. Sha Zhixing liked him.

Almost all of Sha Zhixing's photos were related to Luo Xichen. The two children were still young. Although they did not necessarily understand the emotional world of adults, they would still look at the photos of those who were close to each other and those who were on good terms with each other.

When the two of them were learning to talk, the first word Sha Zhixing taught the children was "Daddy" .

It was partly because of their blood ties, and partly because of Sha Zhixing's teaching of the two children. Noah and the baby both had a very special feeling towards Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing stared at the newspaper downstairs for a long time, but she did not wait for the two children to come down. She grabbed the newspaper and went upstairs in the direction of the master bedroom.

When she arrived, the baby and Noah were still lying on the sofa, their little heads together, looking very relaxed... ...