Chapter 976: Brother is used to block arrows

Noah's legs were crossed. They were short and swaying. He looked as leisurely as he could be.

The baby was admiring second young master Shao's "jade photo" as he sent grapes into his mouth one after another. His pink lips were slightly curled, as if he was satisfied.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She looked at the two little guys for a long time and was speechless.

Did they take her words for granted?

"Noah, baby, what did you do today? " Sha Zhixing put her hands on her hips and said in a slightly angry voice.

The sudden words made the two little guys on the Sofa stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and jumped up from the SOFA. They ran to Sha Zhixing's side with tacit understanding and hugged her thighs on both sides.

The corners of their lips curved, and the two children called her ingratiatingly, "mommy ~ "

Sha Zhixing's gaze fixed on the two little faces that were flattering her. She snorted lightly, squatted down, gently pinched Noah's ear, and patted the baby's little head. "Tell Mommy the truth. Who came up with this stupid idea? "

The baby's big eyes rolled for a moment, and without even thinking, his hand directly pointed at Noah beside him.

What was the big brother used for?

In the eyes of a baby who was not even four years old, it was used to block in front of him at critical moments, and it had always done so.

Noah was betrayed innocently. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, raised his little Chin coldly, and slowly said two words, "little traitor. "

The baby's arm intimately hooked onto his arm, and gently pushed him. With a fawning expression, he said, "big brother ~ "

Noah could not be bothered with her. He held Sha Zhixing's hand and shook it gently. "Mommy, can you let us try it once? ''

He sounded a little cautious because Sha Zhixing did not seem to like the two of them talking about looking for Luo Xichen in front of her.

In fact, it was not that she did not want to do it. She was just afraid that she would be disappointed and hurt the two children's young hearts.

All these years, she and the people of Jue ye had never stopped looking for Luo Xichen, but they had never told the children about it.

In Sha Zhixing's opinion, even if the ship had been completely destroyed, as long as she had not seen Luo Xichen's body with her own eyes, she did not believe that anything would happen to him.

Four years ago, when Mu Siyan, Qing Yafeng, and the others had accompanied her to the area where Luo Xichen had been killed, jue Ye's men had even lifted the seabed, but they still had not found Luo Xichen. This was bad news for Sha Zhixing It was also good news.

At least, there was a 50% chance that he was fine.

However, it had been four years, and she still had some news about him. Sha Zhixing was very conflicted.

She did not believe that anything would happen to Luo Xichen. However, she had Luo Xichen and her two children waiting for him at home. If Luo Xichen was still living in a corner of the world, Sha Zhixing felt that it was impossible for him not to come back... ...

Sha Zhixing knew how reluctant Luo Xichen was before he left.

She still remembered the deep love in Luo Xichen's eyes when he named his baby.

With her and their baby, how could he completely ignore everything here?

Sha Zhixing's head was filled with a lot of confusion, and she didn't know how to answer the child's question.

She didn't want the two children to do these things, but she was afraid that they would be disappointed.

It was fine if she was injured, but she didn't want the child's heart to be hurt... ...