Chapter 977, the global proclamation

Noah stared at her with his eyes wide open. He seemed to have read her mind. He held her hand gently and said in a childish voice, "Mommy, let's try it once. Maybe we'll succeed? "

Sha Zhixing was stunned by his words. She lowered her head slowly and fixed her eyes on his small face.

Noah's eyes flashed with determination. It was as if he was determined to win something. Even his charm was very similar to Luo xichen's. He only admitted victory and did not admit defeat.

In Noah's eyes, all the photos of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were so sweet. The two of them must be very close. No matter how busy he was, he would definitely appear when he heard that Sha Zhixing was going on a blind date!

That was because Sha Zhixing had told the two children that Luo Xichen was busy abroad. Although Noah and the baby did not believe her, they had not thought that he might not be in this world anymore.

Noah believed that as long as he was still in this world, he would definitely appear when he heard the sound of him and the baby!

This was the thought of a child who was not even four years old. He wanted to take a gamble.

Sha Zhixing fell silent after his words. She looked into Noah's eyes. She really did not want to refuse.

Although they had not stopped looking for Luo Xichen in the past few years, they had not used Noah's goading tactic. It was all done in secret.

Sha Zhixing also knew what Luo Xichen cared about the most. The last thing he wanted was for other men to get close to her.

With his personality, goading was indeed useful. When they were together in the past, Sha Zhixing often goaded him like this.

Sha Zhixing was swayed by the words of Noah, who was not even four years old.

It was one thing to be disappointed, but why try if there was a way?

Since she was so convinced that Luo Xichen was still alive and well in this world, Sha Zhixing believed that he would definitely do something if he really saw such news.

After a long silence, Sha Zhixing nodded and acquiesced to the two children's actions.

Noah and the baby looked at each other, a big smile blossoming on their faces as they hugged her from both sides.

After Getting Sha Zhixing's permission, Noah climbed onto the SOFA and picked up the landline to call Ji Nanyou. He said sweetly, "uncle five, do me a favor. "

Ji Nanyou was a little surprised that the Little Guy Actually took the initiative to call him. He was smiling so much that he could not close his mouth. "Say it. Don't say just one favor. Even ten uncles will help you. "

The corners of Noah's lips curved up as he said, "then I'll have to trouble uncle five to help me contact the news agency that published today's news. Let them do everything they can to make that news available to the entire world. "

Ji Nanyou was speechless.

Baby, baby, are you trying to poach your own father at such a young age?

What if Luo Xichen was not found and Sha Zhixing was so young and beautiful? When the news was published, it would be tantamount to promoting SHA ZHIXING!

Noah did not know if he had agreed or not. He used Sha Zhixing to block the Arrow. "Mommy has personally agreed. "

Ji Nanyou,"..."

"Uncle Five, if you don't help me, I'll go find uncle six? " Noah did not get a response from him and suddenly said.

"Come on, fifth uncle didn't say that he wouldn't help. " Ji Nanyou came back to his senses after his words. He chatted with him for a while and hung up the phone.

Absolute night was very efficient. In the morning, the news about the baby, Noah, and Luo Xichen's photos had spread all over the world... ...