Chapter 992: Don't leave!

The man was surprised by her suggestion. He pursed his thin lips and seemed to be silent.

Sha Zhixing observed his expression and called for a bodyguard. She turned her head and whispered something into his ear.

The man in the silver mask was silent for a moment. His gaze fell on the front again and he wanted to leave. Suddenly, a melody that was one step away from the venue rang.

Por-una-cabeza, one step away. It was the classic Tango Dance Song That Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen had danced together at their engagement ceremony. When it rang again on the familiar lawn, it felt like time was going back.

Sha Zhixing did not care whether he was willing or not. She walked to his side in a few steps, held his hand, and walked towards the center of the dance floor.

The baby stood behind the two of them, his big eyes following their movements. He looked at Sha Zhixing's domineering movements with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

What is Mommy doing?

She is so proactive!

Completely ignoring the pairs of eyes that were staring at her, Sha Zhixing dragged the masked man to the center of the dance floor, and her footsteps slowly danced to the music.

The climax of the melody, which was one step away, was sonorous and powerful. The starting and ending notes were very lingering, and there was even a faint trace of sadness lingering in the air. Every note sounded empty, gently touching one's heartstrings. It was a very immersive feeling.

The Tango's Melody was hot and unrestrained. The visual effect it brought was different from the lingering waltz. It was like a gorgeous feast, giving people a stronger impact.

Sha Zhixing kept spinning under the guidance of his hand. Her eyes were locked on his eyes, and images of memories flashed through her mind. At this moment, everything seemed to have returned to the past.

Time was eternal, and the years were peaceful.

The baby stood outside the arena, staring at the two of them without blinking. Her Pink Lips curled up.

Mommy seemed to like this person very much.

A long piece of music ended five minutes later. The man's gaze did not linger on her. He turned around and wanted to leave, but Sha Zhixing suddenly hugged him from behind. Her voice was very domineering. "Don't go! "

The baby stared at her with his Eyes Wide Open. There were all kinds of exclamations in his eyes.

Mommy tonight was different from usual. She was so passionate and proactive!

The baby looked intoxicated until Sha Zhixing suddenly said, "Xi Chen. ".

The baby's beautiful eyes widened in shock. She raised her small head high and fixed her eyes on the man's face in shock.

Xi Chen?

The man's back stiffened. He looked at her hand that was resting on his waist. He turned his head and his gaze slowly fixed on her face.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were sparkling. There was an uncontrollable excitement in her eyes. There was even a trace of tears in her eyes. She hugged him very tightly.

Looking at her quietly, the man's cold heart wall seemed to have been broken by something. He was slightly touched, and his gaze softened.

However, this kind of emotion was very faint. If one did not look carefully, they would not be able to tell.

In the garden not far away, Noah and Shi Qinuo played for a while, and their gazes just happened to drift over.

When they saw Sha Zhixing hugging the strange man, they were stunned. All of their movements stopped, and their gazes focused on the two people's faces.

The man was wearing a silver mask, and Noah could not see the expression on his face from his angle. Sha Zhixing's expression could not be seen clearly because of the distance, but her arms were always hugging the man, and her body was very close to him.

This was the first time Noah saw Sha Zhixing so close to a man