Chapter 991 a hug after four years

The baby's small hand held his hand, and her steps were the same as his. A sweet smile blossomed on her doll-like face, and she looked just like a noble little princess.

Ignoring the pairs of eyes that were looking at him and the baby, the man's slender legs continued to move forward steadily and powerfully. His gaze was locked on Sha Zhixing in front of him, as if there was only one scenery in his eyes.

Wherever he passed, the crowd in front of him made way for the two of them.

After being called over by Rong Xi's partner to chat for a while, Sha Zhixing found an excuse to get rid of the man. She wanted to go back and wait for the baby, but when she turned around, she happened to catch a glimpse of this scene.

The man was walking towards her with the baby. He was wearing a silver mask, so she could not see his entire face clearly. She could only see the area below the tip of his nose.

The exquisite silver mask, the proud thin lips that were pursed, and the perfect curve of his chin, the impeccable outline, the deep ocean that seemed to be rippling with gentle eyes, the leisurely alternating steps, all of this.. Slowly formed a picture that was engraved in time and would never fade.

Sha Zhixing's entire body stiffened as she stared blankly at the face that was getting closer and closer to her. She even ignored the baby that was being held by him. In her eyes, there was only that familiar and indelible figure.

She took a step forward and wanted to walk over, but it just so happened that there was a flight of stairs under her feet. Her slender heels that were more than ten centimeters staggered a little behind her, and her slender figure stumbled forward.

It looked like it was going to turn into a miserable scene. However, just as his body leaned out, a pair of slender arms held her at lightning speed, and his unsteady body fell into the man's warm embrace.

He only applied a little force with his arms, and he hugged her tightly.

Sha Zhixing's body was stiff, and she allowed him to hug her numbly. Her chest was pressed against his chest, and her heart was beating very fast. It was like a wave that was stirred up by the wind, surging up waves after waves.

With such close contact, she could also feel the beating of his heart.

Every beat of his steady heart was so powerful. His warm body had a temperature that was close to hers, and even the Faint refreshing aura on his body was familiar to her.

Sha Zhixing's gaze followed his arm that was holding her. She slowly raised her hand to caress his arm, feeling the warmth from his body. She raised her head, and her gaze fell on his face again.

Looking at his eyes that were as calm as water, the heart that had been waiting for him for fifteen days that was almost ready to die instantly recovered. All the despair and disappointment disappeared in an instant.

Her Red Lips pursed into a faint smile. She wanted to hug him back with her arms, but her body was gently pushed away.

Sha Zhixing was slightly stunned. She raised her head in shock.

The man did not explain. He just handed the baby next to him to her.

He turned around and was about to leave when Sha Zhixing suddenly called out to him, "WAIT! "

The figure whose back was facing her stiffened slightly. He turned his head slightly and looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

The baby stood next to the two of them. He raised his head and his gaze fell on her face in shock.

Sha Zhixing's mind was in a mess. There was surprise when she saw him, confusion when he turned around, and panic when he might leave again. She looked at the party scene and suddenly asked, "can you dance with me? "