Chapter 998 Luo Xichen, stop right there!

She bent down and picked up the baby. Sha Zhixing patted her back gently and said gently, "be good, don't cry. MOMMY'S STILL HERE! "

The baby did not know if he heard what she said. He just kept crying at the top of his voice, and his tears stained her dress.

Noah was actually feeling very uncomfortable, but boys and girls were always different. Although his eyes were red, he had been stubbornly holding it in.

He even surrounded Sha Zhixing and helped her coax the baby. "Don't cry, sister. Brother is here too. "

The two of them coaxed the baby and it took them about half an hour to get rid of her.

The baby was probably tired from crying and fell asleep on Sha Zhixing's shoulder.

After carrying her back to her room, Sha Zhixing urged Noah to eat something and arranged for him to sleep.

She had thought that Luo Xichen would be coming, and she was worried that he might not want too many people to know that he was back. Sha Zhixing had urged all the servants in the castle to leave before dinner.

After the two children fell asleep, the huge castle was quiet.

Sha Zhixing walked out of Noah's room and went downstairs. She looked at the table of dishes on the dining table and the birthday cake that had not even been lit by a candle. She felt as if someone had poured a bucket of ice on her heart.

A black rolls-royce was parked quietly outside the gate of the castle. The window of the car was lowered. A pair of eyes peeked out from the car and landed quietly in the brightly lit room.

Luo Xichen had actually been here for a long time. He had arrived at six o'clock in the evening, but he had not gone in.

He couldn't see what was happening in the castle, but he could guess.

He had heard the baby's crying as well.

Sha Zhixing sat in the dining hall for a while and waited from six to eleven with an empty stomach. She wasn't in the mood to eat now. She put away the plates of food on the Table One by one, poured them into the trash can, rinsed the dishes briefly, and left the hall She walked straight towards the castle gate.

She had wanted to see if the door was locked, but when she reached the door, her eyes met Luo Xichen's.

Her eyes were fixed on his face. She thought of the two children who had starved with her for four to five hours, and the baby who had been looking forward to it until he cried. Sha Zhixing's eyes slowly turned cold.

Luo Xichen did not expect her to come out at this time. He looked at her through the hollow iron door and saw the anger in her eyes. He closed his eyes and turned the car around. He was about to leave when Sha Zhixing suddenly rushed out of the castle "Stop! "

She did not care that his car had started. She rushed to his car and stopped him with her arms wide open.

Luo Xichen's expression changed under her action and the car stopped in an emergency.

Sha Zhixing stood in front of his car and scanned his face inch by inch with her cold eyes. She spoke slowly, word by word "The two children prepared a lot for you tonight. They made a birthday cake and participated in the preparation of dinner. The baby even prepared a gift for you and even dressed you up deliberately. They said that daddy would be happier when he sees you

"The two children have been sitting at the dining table since six o'clock, waiting for their daddy, whom they have only seen once since he was born. They waited for four to five hours with an empty stomach, waiting until the only thing left from their initial confidence was disappointment! "