Chapter 999: The baby's birthday wish

"You're only a four-year-old child. You've made so many preparations to welcome a father who's worse than an outsider home. How could you have the heart to trample on your child's heart like that? ! "

Sha Zhixing almost shouted out the last sentence.

It didn't matter how much he ignored her feelings. However, she couldn't accept any act that would hurt the child!

Luo Xichen looked at her fixedly. His dark eyes rippled after her words. However, the light was too dim for Sha Zhixing to see.

"If I had known that having a daddy would bring such harm to the child, I would have rather you had not appeared! " His cold gaze swept across his face for the last time. A trace of mockery flashed across Sha Zhixing's lips as she turned around She closed the castle door behind her and walked into the house without looking back.

Luo Xichen's eyes followed her figure as he looked at her cold back. His eyes closed weakly... ...

After Sha Zhixing returned to the castle, the baby suddenly woke up for some reason.

The little figure was dragging a pig rabbit around the castle, looking for her.

Sha Zhixing's eyes stopped on her face, then looked at the pig rabbit that she had brought with her even at this time. When she thought of Luo Xichen outside, she wanted to kill him.

What did he do when the two children missed him so much?

"Mommy, where did you go just now? " The baby looked up at her with a few teardrops on his face. He looked a little pitiful.

Sha Zhixing ran to her side and held her in her arms.

"Baby, why are you awake? Mommy just took a walk in the garden. " Sha Zhixing comforted her and was about to carry her upstairs.

However, the baby suddenly said, "I want to take a walk too. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

What was there to be sad about at such a young age?

"MOMMY! " The baby gently pushed her arm and acted coquettishly.

Sha Zhixing did not know whether Luo Xichen had left or not. She did not know whether to take her out or not.

She did not know how her baby was feeling right now. She did not know how she would feel if she saw Luo Xichen now.

What if Luo Xichen left right after she saw him? Wouldn't that hurt her even more.

Sha Zhixing was very protective of her children. Her baby and Noah had not encountered many unhappy things since they were young. She only hoped that the two children would be able to live a carefree life.

The baby saw that she did not say anything and pushed her again. "Mommy, can I? "

"No, it's already so late. I have to go to bed. " Sha Zhixing Patted Sha Zhixing on the head and her expression turned serious.

"But tonight is my brother's and my birthday. We haven't even made any birthday wishes. We can't go to bed yet. " The baby looked up at Sha Zhixing and smiled sweetly at her. She held Sha Zhixing's hand and acted coquettishly.

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Yes, it was so late. The two children had not even taken a bite of their own food, let alone made a wish.

Sha Zhixing's whole body began to hurt at the thought of this. Her hatred towards Luo Xichen grew deeper.

"Go make a wish first. " Sha Zhixing carried the baby to the dining table and helped her place the birthday cake. Sha Zhixing Lit the candle.

The baby lay on the dining table with her hands folded together. She closed her eyes and said sweetly, "I want to live happily with my mommy and brother every day. "

She paused and added, "just like now. "

She did not mention the word "Daddy" at all... ...