Chapter 1003: a family of four on a trip

Sha Zhixing felt that his current expression was strange. She placed the design in her hand to the side and fixed her gaze on his face.

Noah held his Chin and stared at Shi Qinuo for a long time. Then he looked at Sha Zhixing. Suddenly, he held the baby's hand and walked upstairs.

Only one sentence came from behind. "sister, go upstairs and brother will teach you! "

"No, I still want to play with Uncle Qinuo! " The baby seemed to be somewhat unwilling and walked very awkwardly.

Noah had his own way of dealing with the baby. He turned his head and smiled at her. Suddenly, he said, "big brother will play your favorite Cosplay with you later. "

After that, the baby's eyes lit up. Everything about playing with Shi Qinuo was polished. He didn't even need to hold her hand anymore. He walked in front and dragged her upstairs. "Then let's hurry up! "

Noah had a smile on his lips and followed behind her slowly. That smile was a little cunning.

Sha Zhixing looked suspiciously at the two little figures that had disappeared. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Shi Qinuo's thin lips curled up beautifully. When he stared at Noah, his face was full of admiration.

Was this kid creating an opportunity for him to be alone with Sha Zhixing?

Noah's current state suddenly made him feel a little overwhelmed.

Noah was about to walk upstairs when he turned his head and smiled sweetly at him. Then, he glanced at Sha Zhixing and gave him a look.

The smile on Shi Qinuo's lips widened a little under his expression. He waved his hand at Noah.

Noah took the baby upstairs, but he did not go back to his room. Instead, he pushed her to hide behind the wall and quietly watched the commotion in the Hall Downstairs.

The two children might not know what love was, but they liked the feeling of Shi Qinuo being with the three of them.

This was what a family should be like.

As for the real family member, Luo Xichen, the "Daddy" they called him, he had been excluded by the two children ever since the night of his birthday.

Downstairs, Shi Qinuo spoke first. "Was it Xichen that night? "

Surprisingly, Sha Zhixing denied it. "No. "

Shi Qinuo narrowed his deep eyes and looked at her quietly, wondering if she was telling the truth.

Sha Zhixing's face was calm and expressionless.

"Do we need to look into that person? " Shi qinuo still couldn't believe it. He had known Luo Xichen for so many years, and he believed that he was right.

"No need, " Sha Zhixing replied simply.

She probably felt that her tone today was a little different than usual. She turned to look at him, and immediately changed into a smiling face. "If you have a lot of free time recently, could you help me take Noah and the baby? "

Shi Qinuo pursed his lips and smiled. "Take the two children out to play sometime! "

"Sure! " Sha Zhixing agreed readily.

The three of them had been a little depressed because of Luo Xichen recently. She wanted to take the two children out to play too.

As for the "Daddy" and the other two children, they did not care anymore. She would let him know that they could still live well without him!

The two of them discussed it for a while and went out with the baby and Noah the next day.

The place they went to was a beach. There was a large amusement park built on the beach, and there was a self-service Barbecue place beside it. The food and play were all gathered together, and there were many tourists here.